- Playstation Portable
Infinite power up from start of game: When you first begin the game and are in the room where you first get a weapon and learn how to turn items into Elixir, turn both weapons that you get into Elixir. Because the programmers did not want you to have to start without a weapon, both weapons will re-appear. Collect both weapons again, then turn both of them into Elixir again. Repeat the process as long as desired. Because Elixirs are used to power-up you can make your character as powerful as desired immediately at the start of the game. Alternate ending sequence: Do not lose items when you die: More elixer: Get the weapons in the start and turn them into elixir until you upgrade yourself very high. Then, clear the first and second floors. On the third floor, get a 75mm Howitzer, at least one Gattling Cannon, and the ammo pack legs. Go back to the first floor and start overkilling by shooting with the Howitzer and holding the Gattling Cannon to finish. Each opponent should drop three or four weapons at a time, and you will find at least one opponent per room, if not more. Continue doing this and selling the equips you find You will get around 5000 elixer each time you clear the floor. Gallery pictures: A.D.A.M: Save the game once. |