- Playstation 2
GameShark Codes
All Aircraft
At the Aircraft Selection screen press Square Circle L1 R2 Select.
Level Select
At the Mission Selection screen press X Triangle R1 R2 L2.
Get Corsair
Do acrobatics till circles show up around 10 of the mission grades
Get Silver UFO
Use adventure mode to complete all missions with a A grade
Get Stealth Jet
Use adventure mode to finish every mission in 10 minutes or less
Get Gold UFO
Use adventure mode to finish all missions with gold
Get Gold UFO way 2
Complete target mode with all gold grades.
Get Auto Gyro
Finish all levels using sky canvas mode and more than 90 points
Get Me-262
Finish adventure mode once
Gain Faster Low Altitude Points
When you play adventure mode you can do acrobatic tricks for point, you get 10 points for low altitude and they add up really slow but if you fly up side down and go low to the ground in a matter of minutes you can get up to a 1000 points if you do it right, I advise to practice this maneuver in free flight mode before you do it in adventure mode. It really helps if you missed any checkpoint rings.
Easy Acrobatic Points
Roll through rings for anywhere from 500 to 2000 points within two barrel rolls, for best results try rolling almost completely once before you go through and then complete another one in combination, white rings can pick up 1000 points yellow rings can gain 2000. most levels require about 5000 points before you get the circle around your rating
Fast Landings
Once your landing gear has made contact, pull back ever so slightly and rock your wings side to side to slow to a stop in a few feet.
Shiden/Shiden-Kai/Triple wing
First you need to get the advanced radar after completing target mode. The triple wing is in the mission where you need to refuel with another aircraft, the wing is on a large island south-east of the island you land on. To get the Shiden and Shiden-Kai you need to get it's pieces, one is on the great divide, another in the labarinth, another in towers of terror, another in the first mission. to get these aircraft you need to land on hidden landing strips.
Swordfish third wing
Land at the Mid-Air Rendezvous alternate landing strip in adventure mode to find a wing that can be attached to the Swordfish to convert it into a triplane. Note: Unlock the Special Radar in target mode to make it easier to find the landing strip.
Custom parts
Successfully complete all adventure mode levels with at least a B rank to unlock custom parts.
Successfully complete the Stormy Seas level in adventure mode by landing on an aircraft carrier. The pontoons will allow your aircraft to land on the water.
Shinden and Shinden Kai
First you need to beat target mode so that you can purchase the radar which shows extra landing strips. Then go to free flight mode and fly the first three levels. You will sooner or later find a fuselage, a right wing, and a left wing. When you do this you will receive a Shinden. Now go to the Great Divideeither route and inside some canyons there will be a small landing strip. Land there and you will receive an engine which then gives you a Shinden Kai.
Getting Acrobatic Points Fast
Unlock the Gold UFO in target mode. Use the UFO to rack up acrobatic points very quickly by using the white and yellow rings while rolling the UFO. This method can give you 10,000 points fast, letting you obtain circles around your mission grade very easily.
Easy Control
Get the triple wing to the swordfish an the wing, tail, Etc with the highest stability and you can complete all missions