Space Jam - Various Cheats

Space Jam - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Start the game with any of the following commandline parameters eg sj littlemonstars alwaysmakeshot:

littlemonstars Shrinks monstars
littletoons Shrinks tune squad
bigmonstars Grows monstars
bigtoons Grows tune squad
alwaysmakeshot Always make the shot
alwaysdunk Every shot is a dunk
fastgame Accelerates game speed
turbofly Hit turbo while jumping to get "extra boost"
endlessturbo Permanently full turbo meter
fadeaways Jump in whatever direction you were moving in
noinbounds Never have to inbound the ball
noshotclock Disables the shot clock
superpush Superstrong pushes
superjump Superstrong jumps
noai Uses secret courts ingame at random
Kanopef Activates endless turbo fadeaways no inbounds no shot clock turbofly and alwaysmakeshot cheats