- Playstation
Big Heads Small Feet
Hold Right Start Circle Square until the Rounds starts.
Fight Kappa
Beat the opponent in Round 3 with the timer at 00. Kappa will be the next opponent.
Night Fighting
Before the round begins press L2 R2 Down.
Play as Bilstein
In Arcade Mode hold Select move the cursor to Gore and press X Circle X Circle Square Square Square Triangle Triangle Triangle Circle X.
Play as Blood
First make sure you have Bilstein and Kappa. Go into Arcade mode hold Select and move the cursor left to Bilstein. Press X Square X Square X Square. While still holding Select move the cursor right on space to Kappa and press Circle Triangle Circle Triangle Circle Triangle L1 R1.
Play as Kappa
After you have gotten Bilstein go into Arcade mode. Hold Select put the cursor on Hayato and press Circle Square Triangle Square X Square Triangle Square Circle Square Triangle X. Press Left for Kappa.