Star Wars: Force Commander - a hrefhttpwwwmegagamescomwalkthroughsSTARWARSFORCECOMMANDERTXTStrategy Guidea

Star Wars: Force Commander - a hrefhttpwwwmegagamescomwalkthroughsSTARWARSFORCECOMMANDERTXTStrategy Guidea

Strategy Guide

Double Unit

Remove a unit carrier at the same time it explodes and that unit will be doubled now.

Access All Missions

At the Select Player screen create a new player h3 TheWorldIsYours. Double click on the h3.

Various Cheats

At the Select Player screen create a new player h3d TheGalaxyIsYours. Making sure to doubleclick on the h3 instead of clicking on the blue arrow. Then during gameplay press any of the following buttons:

M - Add 500 Command Points
CtrlM - Subract 500 Command Points
ShiftM - Add 500 Command Points and order any unit even if you don't have enough command points to cover the cost
CtrlW - Automatically win mission
Ctrl8 - Show all active units
CtrlShift8 - Show all units
Ctrl9 - Removes the Fog of War
NumLock on keypad - 999999 Life for Unit

To Spawn Units without having to wait for the DROP SHIP

Hit Ctrl 0 upper keypad to bring up a cheat menu then use following keys:

1. Up or Down arrow scrolls through units to spawn.
2. Left arrow spawns that unit magically drops unit with a drop ship or the wait.
3. Shift Up or Down changes team of spawned unit.

Submitted by Jacqueline Whitney
Submitted by Robert Opat

Destroy Enemy Units

While in Ctrl 0 mode click on an enemy unit and press Delete.