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Get Endurance level
Buy the attack on the Executor and in mission select screen when this is bought and selected go up and you can buy it for 30 points.
Hoth/AT imperial walkers
To take down the walkers4 legged ones on hoth fly by there legs and hold B you willll see your cord come out and you must fly around it carefully or you will blow up to tiny bitsthis is if you play cooperative.Now one on one player you have to go running under the shipwhen ship crashe lands.
Beat Founder Shipyard Assault easliy.
At the beginning head to the back of the large assault ship and fire your missile's. When destroyed,finish of the shield adn head in.Stay as low and slow as possible, because the many turret's blind spot is at the bottom. They cant hit you there so just take out the objective at the bottom.
Unlock Naboo Starfighter
Finish all Tatooine Training Missions with All objectives, All normal and bonus items in the morning, afternoon, evening and night versions.
Unlock Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Game
Finish all missions using single player mode
Get Star Wars the Arcade Game & Game Credits
Beat the Triumph of the Rebellion Mission
Unlock Jedi Starfighter
Finish all missions in single player mode with Silver medals
Unlock Tie Hunter
Finish all missions in single player mode with Gold medals
Unlock Audio Commentary
Finish all missions in single player mode with Bronze medals
Unlock Ace Mode
Finish all missions in single player and all bonus missions mode with Gold medals
Unlock Slave 1
Get bronze medals on all single player missions including bonus missions
Unlock Jedi Starfighter
Earn silver metals in all single-player missions, including bonus missions.
There is an upgrade at battle field hoth by the e-web blaster just go forward and you will find it there its for advanced cluster missiles.
at raid at bakura there is an upgrade for advanced proton torpedoes destroy the last domed tower.
there is an upgrade at relics of geonosis by the third crashed escape pod for advanced homing proton torpedoes.
First, you run to the AT-ATs you're supposed to destroy/disable use the y button if you don't know/they are the bright yellow when you find one, run under it and push c-up if you do it right, your person will shoot up a black cordthen you push up on the control stick until you go to 1st person view automatically you can't see yourself your person will pull out a light saber. slash the AT-AT with it and then press b. you should see little red crosshairs. aim it at the hole. repeat this with the other one but be fast you're on a short time limit, which i found out the hard way when you've done that, head over to the towerlook at radar and go to the blue rebel sign. then you'll get on some lizards. go to where the radar shows you to go and kill as many storm troopers as you cannote: you get a laser machine gun while on the lizard once you get to your destination you will get off the lizard. look for a stationed machine gun and press c to use itit would be a good idea to kill the troopers first and destroy all 3 of the
AT-STsthere's no auto-aim so it'll be a bit hard to aim. once you've done that, your person will automatically get in an x-wingthere will be a short little movie clip now alls you have to do is destroy the tie-bombersthey are in bright yellow by the way,if you didn't already know, all mission requirements are in bright yellow it's not very easyit took me a couple of trys to beat themgo for all the clusters, don't take your time.
Hint: Shield Mission
In the mission where you have to protect the shield there are bombs on the ground. You can tow cable them. pick them up and fly to one of the bridges. Llet the bomb touch the 1st pillar. You just destroyed the bridge. No more enemies there. Do that with the other two bridges. There will be no more new enemies.
You can also drag the bombs into the sides of an AT-AT's head. Instant kill.