- Nuon
Free and extra lives
Life 1-Isle DelfinoGo to the island near the lighthouse where the man who says he has been lost on the island for 3 years. Put water on the campfire, and quickly chase the life that comes out.
Life 2-Isle DelfinoGo to the man who thinks about giving you sunglasses. Walk a few steps towards the lighthouse from there, and you might here the sound of metal and see a circle. Ground Pound it and in the middle of the cave there is a life.
Now, once you have these two lives, save the game and then turn off you Game Cube.
Turn it back on and you will have 6 lives, and you can continusly do this cheat 12 lives-18lives-24lives etc;
Five Free Shines
Shine 1-Walk over to the lighthouse Delfino Plaza,and stand on the sand next to it.
Spray water a lot on the sand in different places, until you come across what looks like a flat shine. Ground pound it and a shine will appear on the towers in the sea.
Shine 2-When you get 25 shines, you will chase evil mario. When he hands over the turbo booster, go back to where you first saw him.In a nearby building you will see a shine in a room. Face the door, and do a turbo-run into it. Jump, and walla, you have a shine
Shine 3-In Delfino Plaza, jump on to the roof anywhere. Walk around for a while and you will see a man sitting down. Talk to him and he will ask for three coins. Give him them, and he will throw you into a tower with a shine.
Shine 4-When you get the rocket boost in Delfino Plaza, walk over to the lady who asks for fruit, and has a basket which is high.Jump onto the net, and you will be in a pond.Use your rocket boost, and you will land next to the mega-shine. Clean it and you will get a shine. Also, there is a new world in the pipe.
Shine 5-In Noki Bay, for episode 2, you will find a MEGA trampoline in one of the tunnels. When you jump to the top, there will be a gold parrot. Spray it a few times, and it will turn into a shine.
Entrance to Noki Bay
When you get 20 shines, a big rainbow looking thing will appear in front of a fountain.stand in it, and press 'y'. Look into the sun.You are now in Noki Bay.
Two Blue coins
DELFINO PLAZABlue Coin 1-In Delfino plaza, land in front of the statue.Walk right, and you will see inside a building a blue coin. Swim around the back of the building, and you will see a hole. Go in it, and you are infront of a blue coin.
Blue Coin 2-In Delfino Plaza, climb onto the rooftops. You will see a flock of parrots. They are all green, except for one, which is blue. Spray it, and pop, its a blue coin.
Get free coins out of a windmill
What you have to do to get free coins out of windmills is you have to go to the first level and spray a windmill until a coin comes out but you can't stop spraying until it pops out you can do this with all the windmills.
Turbo Nozzle Gravity Defiying Jump
You probably won't find this move in any strategy guide or another site and keep in mind it's just for fun.
You can't turn very fast with the turbo nozzle and you can't turn at all while jumping with the turbo nozzle. You can though with this move.
First get the Turbo Nozzle then start using it to go really fast. While your going fast spin jumprotate control pad then press A and immediately after that press Y to go into the view mode. While your in view mode going extremely fast you can turn while spinning in the air inside view mode That way you can run around Delfino Plaza with the turbo nozzle doing insanly tight turns and even do 180 degree turn while in the air with the turbo nozzle running
It kinda confusing but if you get it right it's pretty fun to run around with.
Defeat the King Boo guy
ok, go to the hotel in sierena beach and talk to the dude in front to go in. then go talk to the pink guy who looks like a sailor and he'll let you in the casino. now go on the big round thing in the middle of the room and pound on the purple tile. then it will go to some secret chamber. now king boo will come out of the middle. shoot water at him and he'll spin the slot thingy. if you get all pinapples,he'll give you food then throw the long, red food AT HIS TONGUE if done correctly his tongue will catch fire. then quickly throw a different piece of food AT HIS FOREHEAD if done correctly, he'll be injured. do this one or two more times to defeat him
Corona Mountain
To get to Corona Mountain, you have to beat the first 7 levels in each world. After doing so, the town will be flooded, and you have to chase shadow Mario into the mountain. Basically, you have to use the hover nozzle to douse the fire platforms and timing to avoid the spikes. You also have to be careful because the fire and spikes do 3 damage and the lava kills you. The boat is hard, but you can get through. Good Luck:
Refill Your Water cannon
Go in any part of water you can find. Then press R.Your watercannon should be full
Mario's Hawaiian Shirt and Sunglasses
To get Mario's Sunglasses go to the blob in the Hub - World wearing Sunglasses and a Hawaiian Shirt, Go to him and talk to him. You have to talk to him at a certain part of the game in the hub world If you have already beaten the game it will still work, even when you get to the Hub world and talk to him its not going to work unless you talk to him at a certain part of the game
Once you have beaten the game go back to the hub world and talk to the same guy you got your sunglasses from You will get to see mario in a total new outfit other than his SHORT SLEEVED shirt with his overalls This is a very cool cheat because for 20 years we have seen Mario in his red LONG SLEEVED shirt and his overalls
Update for Sunglasses
The real way to get the sunglasses is to get 30 Shine Sprites and alreadly have Yoshi unlocked. Then go talk to the guy, and he will give you the sunglasses. The Hawaiian Shirt, you really do have to beat the game.
Defeating da bosses
Bianco hills-To defeat him, spray the water into his mouth when he is about to spit out brown goo at a random place. Do this quickly.When he's down ground pound him on his stomach. Do this 3 times and you'll win.
He'll be back next time, and when he does, search for his perch. Fill up the balloon creatures with water, adn launch it at him. When you begin the fight, do the same process, but this time, he will fly. Spray him to get him down. When he does, he'll send tornadoes at you. Avoid the attack and defeat him
Ricco harbor- Spray his face until his eyes get red and when he slaps tentacles at you, ground pound his tentacles. Then pull his snout back and snap it. Do this two times and you'll win. He'll return the second time, but do exactly like I had told you. Look at Super Mario Sunshine strategy Guide for more information.
More Tips
Wanna learn how some of the water cannon functions work? Let me show you. First use the regular pump function to clean up sludge on the walls and ground. Use the hover function to go across large gaps ad hover while you clean the sludge on the ground,its two in one The rocket function allows you to soar to new heights by making you blast off like a rocket. The other function allows you to quickly gain speed on land and water use this as an escape or to get somewhere quickly. Use these functions in the right ways and maybe you might master them very efficiently
Total Number of Shine Sprites
Ok. A lot of people are wondering how many Shine Sprites there are in the game. Well there are a total of 120 Shine Sprites. The shines break down as follows: Each of the seven main levels has eight shines, two hidden shines, and one 100 Gold Coin Shine. That's 77 Shine Sprites. Delfino Plaza has 16, the Airport has 2 plus the 100 Gold Coin Shine, and Mount Coronathe last level has 1. That's a total of 96 Shine Sprites. Now, each main level has 30 blue coins, while the Airport has one, the Plaza has 19, and Mount Corona has 10. That is a total number of 240 Blue Coins. Cash them in the Racoon Hut in town to bring the total up to 120 Shine Sprites.
Get 100 coins
Getting 100 coins can be a problem. But I'll help you out with where to go and with some advice on what to do. I've done these before so it should work.
Grab the Rocket Nozzle and follow the line of coins. Don't forget to jump on the enemies.
Episode 3-Coins are very easy to find here. Make sure you destroy the enemies. There's 2 owl like birds flying around the area where there was 2 bee hives. Or it was the area with many palm trees. Squirt the 2 birds with water collecting their coins until they give you a 1-up. Then just keep squirting the bird until it touches the ground or jump on it to get another coin.
Episode 3-Make sure you explore the tunnels and try to jump out through holes whether there's boxes on it or not. You can find valuable coins there. Scour the catwalks and hop on top of bloopers to discover more coins.
Episode 8-Bring watermelons to the stand to get some coins. High above the stand is a wire which you can swing on to nab some more coins hold up as you jump off of the wire as it's spinning. Cataquacks will give you a coin if you spray them and then jump on them. More coins are under the stands dock. and on the ceiling of the beach house. There's more by riding the swing on the small island.
Episode 2-Spraying the beach will give you some coins but you might want to look more into the flying bullet bills. It's possible to get 999 coins in this area if you're patient. Just keep on spraying those bullet bills. Look for the gold ones. They give you the most coins
Episode 1 or 4-It'll take awhile but in Episode 1 you can get a 100 coins by spraying the ground beach, grass, path, etc. and grabbing the coins just laying around. It takes awhile but I've done itIn Episode 4 you can take your chances by grabbing as much coins as you can before entering the casino and hope you win enough coins to get the shine before you get the three 7's.
Episode 6-Most of the coins are lined up across the water. Check inside the cliff walls and near the Rocket Nozzle.
Episode 1-You can extinguish the flames on the mushrooms, then pound their caps to uncover some coins. If you pound the nose of the Pianta shaped tree and pound inside the concrete basin you can get some more coins.
In some Episodes it's not possible to get 100 coins. All of this information is very accurate and should be helpful in your hunt
Return to airport
This is the Same person who put Mario's Hawaiian shirt and Sunglasses
For the Hawaiian Shirt I found out that the Hawaiian shirt is shaped like a shine pattern and you really don't have to beat the entire game to get it
But for this one you do To Return to the airport, beat the ENTIRE game and get back to the airport and there will be a lot of cool fun stuff to do there, like get coins and all that Its sort of like a small unknown secret level So try it out, its pretty cool
Up,Up and Away
Press X or R to fly up in the air with the Hover Nozzle use the Joystick to move around in the air you can also spray your WATER CANON While in the air.You can navigate to Roofs,find hidden BLUE COINS and SHINE SPRITES.
Washing off
If Mario is filled with polluted paint all over him,you can either do afew spin jumps or jump in the water to get the paint off
To get lots of blue coins it is very simple if you see a lady with a basket she'll ask you to get 3 fruits so go get some fruits she told you to get put the 3 fruits into the basket talk to her AND WALLA A BLUE COIN you can keep on doing this and you'll get more coins
Go Faster
To make Mario go faster press the B button repeatly, or Hold R down slightly while running then u press the B button NOTE: nozzle must be Water to perform the second stunt
How to beat the Squid thingy
This is very simple. All you have to do is daze the enemyor not then grab the squids tentacle and move backwards and then SNAP It comes right off
The Pesky Pirahnna Plant
When you get to the large sludge spitting piranha plant in the windmill you'll have to beat it in order to move on. When it opens up its mouth use the spray function on the water cannon to pray water into its mouth.Aim carefully.When it tips over and a red arrow appears do a ground pound on the bump on its stomach.To do a ground pound, while your in the air press the L button and you should do a ground pound. Watch out for the enemies and the sludge the piranha lant spits out. The sludge will damage you. Also be aware he has a special trick for if u get too close. To regain your life the piranha plant should make some miniature replicas of itself and when you spray them with your water cannon they will drop coins.And your water cannon will refil itself automatically when u run out.Do the sray and pound combinations a few times to gain victory.And if the pirahnna plant should spit out sludge than oint your water cannon down at the sludge and clean it up. You now know how to beat him. Just know not to get too close or he will use his special trickhe'll swipe you with his head and do it in a counter-clockwise direction.Go get him
Walking Wires
In the first level you can walk on clotheslines and you wont fall off so dont worry.When you are on a clothesline press the A button to jump high.Try it
Tips For Beginners
Some tips that are very helpful include the fact that you should use the hover setting on your water cannon to get across gaps and to explore when high up by jumping off a high object and the hitting the R button. Another tip is when your in the water press the B button to dive. Who knows what treasures lurk in the water's murky depths. Also if you keep blasting away an M on a wall left by the culprit who polluted the island you will get a blue coin. In the first level you will find a blue coin in the river. You'll also find a huge M on the top of the building with the big wheel. Blast it to get a blue coin. Find the huge Ms in the other levels too. Ill keep u informed on more tips
Secret Shine in Delfino Plaza D
Go to the area of delfino plaza were the were you cna catcch the boats for a ride.When you are ther go to the bid white pillar/tower thing and go to the left side of it. When you get there you will see a opend door. Go into the door and ont the inside you will see a guy talk to him and he will give you 30seconds to smash all of the boxes. When you brake them the prize will be a Shine.You can go this a seond time but there will be more boxes but you will still get a second shine
How to defeat Bowser
When you get to Bowser you will have the rocket nozzle.When Bowser is done talking Baby bowser will shoot bullet bills and Bowserwill breathe fire at you.You have to use the rocket nozzle over the fire symbols by you and then ground pound the symbols after you use the rocket nozzle.The symbols will break but this weird green goo will splash all over the arena. After you destroy all the fire symbols you will defeat Bowser.
Two rounds of boxing
On Isle Delfeno, on the docksnot the one with the boathouse you will see a plot of land with water in between you and it. After going into Banico Hills for the first time, a building will open its doors, go in, and talk to the person inside he will want you to bash all of the boxes, if you compete this task in time, he will give you a shine sprite. You maydo so twice, though each time is harder than the last.
New Nozzles
To get the "turbo nozzle", first, get 25 shine sprites. Then, back in Isle Delfeno, shadow Mario will appear holding an object. Hewill, as usual, he will run. Spray him as you run after him. You now have the turbo nozzle.
To get the "rocket nozzle", get 30 shine sprites, and do the same thing as to get theturbo nozzle. Hint: For a preview of the rocket nozzle, go to Ricco Harbor on Episode 2.