Brutal Nature is a multiplayer survival game with voxel based terrain to mine for resources, destroy with weapons and place to form structures. Featuring realistic natural environments and rich engaging combat, it blends PVP and PVE game play with resource gathering and detailed but easy to use crafting.
All the following features are included in Brutal Nature.
• Fully destructible terrain. All weapons cause terrain damage.
• Smoothed voxel terrain with cube support for man made structures.
• Realistic endurance and food system.
• Realistic weapon, ammo and armor system.
• Supports over a thousand simultaneous light sources.
• Full mod support with scripting. Add whatever you can imagine to the game!
• Easy to use terrain editing system. Build structures to defend yourself and mine shafts to gather resources.
• Clients automatically download and install required mods when joining a server.
• Multiplayer text chat.
• Built in help menu in case you forget the key bindings.
• In game item description/help. Ability to open an in game help page on any item by scanning the item or clicking on it when its mentioned in recipes. All object stats are shown and correct even if game mods are used.
• Water Physics
• Built in server browser.
• Built in voiced tutorial quests to introduce you to the basic features.
• Updates released every 2 to 4 weeks.
• Daily development blog