Dream of the Blood Moon is a single player first person horror game inspired by the likes of Slender and the SCP series of games. It's set in a nightmare landscape and tells a short story.
You will probably need some patience to be able to play this as part of the game is being lost in unfamiliar surroundings and finding out puzzle solutions!
Please have sound turned on while playing, it is actually necessary to complete the game!
This is my first full game, made almost completely by myself within a span of about two months! It was made using the Unreal Development Kit.
Some of the textures and models were taken from the UDK. The sounds are all from freesound.org, though I remixed some of them! I've learned a lot during the making of this game and worked hard to make it the best it can be with the possibilities I had.
Please leave me some feedback via the feedback form on the game website if you play it, that would make me very happy!
The game has been tested quite thoroughly, but I can't guarantee it's completely free of bugs of course. Being a solo project, it's not very optimized and will sadly not run well on older systems.