Shadow of Fear is an integrating conversion Mod to the Microsoft and Digital Anvil Futeristic Space Simulation Game called Freelancer. The physical Freelancer content was kept untouched while everything else was remodded. Additional, several new Enviroments was integrated into the Game. This way the player will meet known Places to indetify with but also explore much new content. Shadow of Fear is based on 88'Flak. Nearly 4000 additional hours was invested into the mod, not counting the thousands of modding hours 88'Flak allready contains. The technical achievments of '88Flak was carfully sustained and enhanced by new, perfectly matching and integrated content, using "the Freelancer way" to be explored. Enjoy Shadow of Fear for Freelancer and have as much fun as we had creating it! Best Regards, - Your Shadow of Fear Development Team -
File information
File name: Shadow_of_Fear_8842_RC3_Client.exe
File size: 1.6 GB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary