MORTAL KOMBAT X - CORRUPTED SHINNOK MOD_ This Mod Adds the final boss, Corrupted Shinnok as a playable character to the game, which was originally a Non-Playable character. (It replaces Normal Shinnok).
Installation : Put the files in Assets in your MKX Directory. for example : C : Program Files - Mortal Kombat X - Disc Content PC - Assets (it is the default path). IMPORTANT. dont forget to make a back up before installing, or say goodbye to replaced characters.
Credits go to: XVermillion and KabukiSage.
File information
File name: Play_as_Corrupted_Shinnok.rar
File size: 445.13 MB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary
April 27, 2015 - 1:02pm