SKYRIM REALM WARS This custom battle simulator allows you to create units and make participate them into custom Skryim Wars. -Features. This mod feature a battleground simulation, based on Skyrim elements, which can be customized to get different scenearios for a Realm War. Choose between diferent armies: Imperial, Thalmor, Stormcloack, Dwarvens, Bandits, etc Basics. The Realm Wars objective is let player build a private army and be capable of confront it against different enemies, with the intention of dominating their territories and defeat all his enemies. Options. In the boot camp you can change your simulation scenario with the options menu, this let you choice for different map areas to start the battleground or in addition select the test area to learn the basics to the mod. Battlegrounds. In the battlegrounds you can confront Realms of enemies and create different military units to force it conquest all the locations.
File information
File name: RealmWarsV3.rar
File size: 461.4 KB
Mime type: application/x-rar; charset=binary