Funcom has announced that Anarchy Online is turning three years old on June 27th! In order to celebrate, the company has planned a variety of events based around the Anarchy Online Universe, including prizes from Alienware and ATI.
Through the years, Anarchy Online has evolved to become the highest ranking sci-fi MMORPG on the market, a feat made possible thanks to the commitment and feedback of the community.
Today, Anarchy Online is a highly profitable and thriving online game, and Rubi-Ka has turned into an incredible planet, almost breathing and taking on a life of its own.
Anarchy Online is a groundbreaking game in every sense of the word said Funcom's CEO Trond Arne Aas. Not only were we the first sci-fi MMORPG on the market, we have also been at the very forefront of MMOG design, graphics, audio, customer service, community and distribution solutions. Seeing the achievements and improvements Anarchy Online has gone through, it's safe to say that our game has contributed a lot to the genre as a whole.
To celebrate this considerable landmark Funcom is initiating several different anniversary events: Current players of Anarchy Online can look forward to in-game parties with lots of prizes from Funcom, Alienware and ATI. We will also launch a special Shadowlands upgrade offer for only 9,95 USD / EUR, as well as giving away three 30-day game keys to all active subscribers.
For all new players Funcom launches a 9,95 USD / EUR offer on the Deluxe version of Anarchy Online, while including free game time until the 1st of September 2004. This means that new players avoid all subscription fees until the launch of Anarchy Online - Alien Invasion! This offer lasts until the 1st of August. You can find details of the offer here.
As Anarchy Online is entering its fourth year as a live service, Funcom remains committed to the ongoing development and improvements of the game. Funcom will keep delivering impressive expansions and constant enhancements, while continuing to lead the way with creative solutions and fun game play. On the 1st of September Funcom launches Anarchy Online - Alien Invasion, the next expansion pack. The best Sci-Fi MMORPG is about to become even better!
Some interesting Anarchy Online statistics:
- More than 3 million characters have been created
- More than 700.000 players have registered with a credit card
- Over 2 million Anarchy Online clients have been distributed
- The ARK volunteers and Funcom employees have answered over 1 million in-game petitions, in addition to emails. Customer service is important.
- Anarchy Online covers 480.000.000 square meters of land, in addition to dynamic dungeons. That's 5 billion square feet, or 185 square miles.
- The depth and possibilities in Anarchy Online are immense. There are more than 4000 spells, more than 160.000 items and over 500 unique creatures with several thousands variations.
- An average player spends 21 hours a week on Anarchy Online, or three hours a day.
- 46 per cent of the players in Anarchy Online play as Omni-Tek, 46 per cent play as Clans and 8 per cent are neutral. Over 85 per cent of the players in Anarchy Online have played both sides.
- The average age of a player in Anarchy Online is 27 years. 85 per cent are male vs. 15 per cent female. 40 per cent of the characters are female! In general, each player can be seen as 50 per cent achiever, 30 per cent explorer, 15 per cent PVP and 15 per cent socializer.
- An astounding amount of content has been added through free updates for active players, excluding retail expansion packs. No other MMO-game has delivered more subscription included content than Anarchy Online.
- Funcom was the first MMOG publisher to offer a free tryout download. Since the launch of the 7 day free trial in 2001, hundreds of thousands of copies have been downloaded.
- The average review score of Anarchy Online Shadowlands, the latest expansion pack, is 87 of 100 after some 70 reviews.