If you were eagerly awaiting playing Hearthstone on your iPhone or Android handset, then I'm afraid you're going to be waiting a while longer, as it's been pushed back to 2015.
"We're close to having Hearthstone out to our iPhone and Android phone users, but it's become clear that we need a little more time to get that version right," a Blizzard spokesperson said. "While we have a build up and running internally, it needs a bit more work, and we don't feel like we'll be ready to share it with you until early next year."
"It's very important to us that the phone experience for Hearthstone is just as accessible as the tablet and PC versions. One of the biggest challenges with that is revamping the user interface so it feels intuitive and offers the same quality Hearthstone experience, but this time from the palm of your hand," it said in a blog post.
The problem comes from adapting the user interface from the game to work on much smaller screens. While some people of course will play on tablets (that version is just around the corner), phone users don't have much space to work with. They need to be able to see what cards their opponent is playing (without having to know what each card does by its picture) as well as their own.
I wonder if the animated and interactive environments will still be present?