Snippets and teasers of the sequel to Cyanides hit adaptation of Games Workshop's American Football/Warhammer tabletop game, Blood Bowl, have been a little lax as of late, with months since the last update. However, today we get our look at the latest trailer of the game, which shows that as well as being closer to completion, the game is a lot more lively than its predecessor.
One of the biggest problems with the original Bllooodbowl, was that while it captured the rules and essence of the tabletop experience nicely, it never really felt that alive. Sure the players performed their actions and the crowd cheered, but the commentators were endlessly repetitive, and everything just felt a little dead.
In comparison, the new version has teammates hugging, high fiving and laughing as they smack their opponents into the dirt. The stadiums too are huge, packed with screaming fans.
While we can't know for sure how repetitive the commentating will be - chances are it will be - it's nice to see the game featuring even more of the humour and spectacle that the board game variant is based around.