For such a hyped game, it's probably no surprise that No Man's Sky didn't live up to many people's expectations. That said, there were still many who found its mixture of explorative gameplay and the discovery of new (similar looking) worlds and creatures to be an enjoyable one.
For those those did or didn't enjoy No Man's Sky though, the game has now fundamentally changed and it might be worth heading back into the black infinite to see what's there.
The big update brings the game up to version 1.1 and splits the game into three distinct modes. The classic game mode, known as Normal, will feature all of the same gameplay you love and hate in equal measure, while Creative will give you infinite resources and let you build on planets to your heart's content. Build a building, build a colony, build a city if you like - it's all available to those who want to set up permanent residence somewhere.
If you wanted No Man's Sky to be more of a challenge when you first played it, Survival should give you that. Making it harder to stay alive in the harshness of space, making you require more resources and more survival tools to keep your heart beating.
This update comes entirely free and is said to be one of many that are coming down the pipeline. It includes a tonne of bug fixes, tweaks to NPCs, flora and fauna, though it doesn't seem like players will be able to see each other in game any time soon.
More of a surprise however is that this is the first we've heard from developer Hello Games since the release of No Man's Sky. They've been quiet to date, but perhaps this will mean more communication and more community interaction moving forward.