Today, Electronic Arts announced that its oldest studio, EA Redwood Shores, is getting a brand-new name, logo, and identity.
Now known as Visceral Games, the studio will focus on "creating intense action-oriented intellectual properties" such as its two most recent creations, Dead Space and the forthcoming Dante's Inferno.
In an interview following the announcement, EA vice president and Visceral's general manager, Glen Schofield, discussed Dead Space's sales.
According to Glen, Dead Space has managed to sell 1.4 million copies across Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Windows PC worldwide.
"I'm happy with that, based on the economy," he commented. "Last year could've been one of the greatest launch years in the history of video games around October time, but it was a year where people bought less games than they normally would. Do I wish it sold more? Absolutely. But the critical acclaim and the number of awards--we're at 75 and counting now--have made [Dead Space] bigger than just the number of sales. If you look at used sales and rentals, we're looking at probably 3 or 4 million people who have played the game."