Virtual reality might not be the explosive growth industry it seemed set to be in the early 2010s, but it's still slowly gaining in popularity and acceptance, and some of the best games to play in VR aren't actually designed for it from the ground up. Take Elden Ring. It might not have been made with VR in mind, but its new unofficial VR mod works very well, and the bosses look even more disgusting and intimidating than ever.
Luke Ross is the genius behind this latest VR mod, having previously released mods for GTA V and Cyberpunk 2077. It puts the camera right inside the player's helmet, giving them a first person perspective that makes the game's enemies seem all the more massive, and all the more real. It's not quite as smooth as the main game, and there are a few bugs, but for the most part it works really well and looks great too.
Combined with a pacifist mod that makes it so no one attacks you, and it's a genuinely beautiful way to explore the drab and barren world.
If you just want to fight your way through the game with a different perspective, though, this is a great way to do it.
Do you think you could beat many of the game's bosses in VR?