A few days after AMD revealed its impressive "Never Settle: Reloaded" bundle, NVidia announced its own "Gear Up" bundle.
While AMD’s bundle includes heavyweight AAA titles such as Crysis 3, BioShock Infinite, DmC Devil May Cry and Tomb Raider, NVidia opted to provide free-to-play games’ coupons instead.
As part of the Gear Up bundle, users who purchase GeForce GTX 650 or 650 Ti will receive coupons for $25 in each of PlanetSide 2, Hawken and World of Tanks. Users who purchase GeForce GTX 660 or better will receive coupons for $50 in each of the three free-to-play games.
If you play all the games included, the bundle’s worth goes up to $150 (or $75 if you are content with a slower NVidia card). But do those games’ fan bases really overlap?
February 11, 2013 - 2:36pm