Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake

Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake Gearbox Approves Free Duke Nukem 3D Fans Remake

Gearbox Studios has granted Frederik Schreiber and his team of Duke Nukem fans a license to remake the classic Duke Nukem 3D using Unreal Engine 3, on the sole condition of releasing it for free.

According to Schreiber, the whole thing started when he created a test map to see what Duke Nukem 3D would look like with current and next gen technology. Screenshots that he posted online were then mistaken for being a part of a full-fledged project. Seeing the enthusiasm he stirred, Schreiber contacted George Broussard, the original game's producer who was impressed by the screenshots and helped him get the required permission from Gearbox Software.

The game is currently codenamed "Duke Nukem Next Gen" (DNNG) and is scheduled to be released "when it's done." Duke Nukem fans are familiar with that term which became synonymous to Duke Nukem Forever's non ending development, but Schreiber and his design team promised that all development milestones will be released to the public.