The Internet Archive wants to save Flash from the dumpster

The Internet Archive wants to save Flash from the dumpster

The venerable Flash player that powered much of the best of the internet throughout the '00s is set to lose official support in most mainstream browsers in December 2020, signalling the death knell of classic Flash animations, games, and webpages of yesteryear. Websites like Newgrounds have their own emulated solutions, but The Internet Archive is setting itself as the hub of the internet's Flash archives, by creating a specially emulated collection of the best that Flash had to offer.

Borrowing the coded developments of Newgrounds alumni, the Internet Archive Leverages the Flash emulator Ruffle to recreate the Flash experience so that it's as seamless as it was back in the day. For Flash anyway. We all know how problematic that ahead of its time medium could be.

The Internet Archive has so far amassed over 1,000 Flash animations and games in just the last few days and will continue to expand it heavily in the weeks and months to come. It already includes classics like Homestar Runner, the original Alien Hominid, Badger (Badger Badger), Pico's School, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, All your Base are Belong to us, and many, many more.

What classic Flash animations or games would you like to see preserved forever?