Knights of the Temple OST Free

Knights of the Temple OST Free

TDK Mediactive and composer Gustaf Grefberg released complete playlist from the game

The soundtrack of Knights of the Temple has received a lot of very positive feedback and many gamers have asked for some more sound samples from the game to be released. TDK Mediactive and composer Gustaf Grefberg have been working on a complete playlist from the game, which is now offered for free download at the Knights of the Temple website, the link is available by following the download tab above.

The music featured in Knights of the Temple was written and produced by Gustav Grefberg at Starbreeze Studios. Gustaf Grefberg has been involved with computer game music since his childhood.
He began his work in the demo scene and then continued his career in the computer games industry. He is mostly self learned and has followed the evolution of computer sound since the 80's. He has worked on games like Into the Shadows, Sorcery, Enclave, Knights of the Temple and Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and has also been involved in some smaller movie projects.