One of the persistent problems with any online competitive game is teammates not trying, or even quitting before the end of the match, leaving you in the lurch. That's something Blizzard wants to put a stop to with Overwatch and to make that possible, it's adding quite stiff penalties for those that repeatedly leave a game before it's over.
On top of its 75 percent experience drop for leaving a quick play game, players who leave competitive games more than a couple of times will see themselves banned for an entire season. That means that should you decide your team is going to lose and leave them in the lurch a handful of times, you won't get a chance to do it again for a couple of months.
That might seem harsh, but a stiff penalty could go some way to making sure that games of Overwatch don't repeatedly end with someone cashing in their chips a few minutes before the end in the hopes that they can get on to a winning team more quickly.
Although not part of the main game just yet, competitive play is currently available on the Public Test Region, so if you want to try it out now you can.
Just don't go and quit a game before it's done, or you risk being sidelined from play for an extended period.