Level 70 Dwarf Priest Senator Exposed - correction

Level 70 Dwarf Priest Senator Exposed - correction Level 70 Dwarf Priest Senator Exposed - correction

As a gamer, you grow to hate politicians and their seasonal anti game violence campaigns. But what happens if we managed to sneak a gamer in to the lawmaking game?

It is true. One of Guam's elected representatives in the Legislature is a gamer; more specifically, World of Warcraft geek.

Senator Ray Tenorio, plays as a level 70 Dwarven priest named Paleray for the guild Knights of the Marianas on WoW Silverhand server.

Tenorio used to play Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, and had several top-level characters of various classes until one day in 1995 (fix: the 1995 date was mentioned in the news source, but it is reasonable to assume they meant 2005) was his brother, Charlie, who was playing World of Warcraft pleaded: "We need a healer". And so Tenorio created his priest.

"What I like about World of Warcraft is it's a great way to be able to reach out and connect with other people, so many different people play -- attorneys, accountants, geeks, ... all kinds of people.", said Tenorio. " What makes World of Warcraft so alluring is that it's always reinventing and adding new content. There's always something new to come back to".