The footage of Taleworlds long-in-development sequel, Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, shown off at Gamescom was quite the hit with fans of the series, as the developer has been rather coy about its title for a while now. However that quick trailer and information on sieges and weapon crafting is just one part of the reveal: there was also a bunch of B-roll footage which shows us what some towns will be like to explore, what character customisation is like and even what the bards are the local bars sound like.
Later on in the footage, we even hear some voice acting, which was a nice addition, and learn a few of the potential responses we'll have when accosted by unruly types.
I've always wanted to call a bearded man a baboon.
What do you think of all the new Bannerlord footage showing up? It's all rather exciting considering how quiet Taleworlds have been for the last year or so.
I'm pumped, though it does make me think twice about starting another Warband game. Even if the mods are fantastic.