While the Half Life 3 confirmed jokes might have become stale long ago, people's appetite for the long anticipated game seems barely diminished, perhaps at least partly because the previous game's gravity gun was so much fun. Fortunately then we don't need to wait for Half Life any more, as GTA V's ability to work with mods has meant that it didn't take long for people to add their own gravity gun for use in and around Los Santos.
Ok so the texturing and animations are a little bit wonky right now, with it looking more like a taser that magically lifts thing into the air, but that's the fun of the thing.
In the demonstration video above, we see our hero lifting up unsuspecting people, vehicles and all sorts using his gravity defying device. He's able to hold people under water, shoot cars off into the distance, drop people from death defying heights and more, thanks to his ability to control one of the universe's fundamental laws of nature.
It's certainly a lot easier to deal with the authorities when you can simply pick up the vehicle they've hiding behind and drop it on top of them.
Shooting a cop car into a helicopter looks pretty fun too.
Have you guys come across any particular mods that you like with GTA V?