Nintendo Successfully Luring XBLA Developers To WiiWare

Nintendo Successfully Luring XBLA Developers To WiiWare Nintendo Successfully Luring XBLA Developers To WiiWare

Nintendo's WiiWare might not be as popular as Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade yet, but the Japanese giant is not holding back in his efforts to attract more developers.

Speaking with Developer Magazine, several XBLA developers revealed that Nintendo is luring them in with the promises of cheaper development, more flexible pricing and higher developer royalties.

XBLA developers are already pissed off after having their royalties halved not too long ago. Interestingly, the strongest selling point for WiiWare was its lack of retro titled which which clogged XBLA and made it harder for new games to be sold.

"Nintendo has made it very clear to us that we'll not only be making a better royalty rate from WiiWare games, but we'll also have a better chance of selling games - the service won't be clogged up with the retro titles that have blighted the chances of many independent studios on Xbox Live Arcade," said one studio business development boss.

"Frankly, we're not looking at making games for Xbox Live Arcade because the service is full of shit", added another developer.