Although AMD's recently released RX480 might have given a lot of people a great card at a decent price point, it didn't take Nvidia long to come up with its alternative: the GTX 1060.
Although it lacks the power of its bigger brothers the GTX 1070 and 1080, the RX 480 is still a strong contender, beating out the RX 480 4GB in most tests and even the 8GB version in some.
This puts its performance somewhere between a GTX 1070 and an AMD R9 390, which isn't a bad spot to find itself. As you might expect, this being an Nvidia part, it is more expensive though. You can expect to spend a little more. It's $250 for the stock version, or $300 for the pretty redundant Founders Edition.
That latter price tag makes it a full 50 percent more than the RX 480 4GB and not quite as value-for-money orientated, but the $250 mark is just a little more than the 8GB RX 480 and is much more competitive.
The new GTX 1060 also supports features like Ansel, Simultaneous Multi-Projection, and Nvidia's VR Works, which are nice additions. However it does lack much in the way of cooling options right now and there's no SLI port to speak of, so don't expect to put two of these together in the same fashion as AMD is suggesting is a good move with its new generation hardware.
Do any of these newly released GPUs tempt you into buying?