PS3 Still A No Show

PS3 Still A No Show

During Sony's PlayStation 3 announcement at E3, the Japanese electronics giant made it clear to everyone that the new console would debut at the Tokyo Games Show.

TGS has been and gone however, and no one got the anticipated glimpse of PS3 in action. Sony, instead, showcased a few videos of game footage, including the impressive MGS 4 trailer. Impressive though the footage was, the lack of an actual working prototype of the console at TGS has raised some questions regarding the release time-frame for PS3 which Sony had not addressed until now.

In the latest issue of the Japanese Famitsu, Sony Computer Entertainment Corporate Executive Masatsuka Saeki, was asked exactly why the company failed to present TGS attendees with a working PS3 console. His reply was that Sony had the ability to demonstrate playable PS3 games at TGS but decided not to do so since this would be the first official PS3 event on Japanese soil. Mr. Saeki seems to claim that Sony wanted to steer gamers along the same course that industry members have followed i.e. videos released first working console later in order to build up to the release of PS3.

Although this sounds like some form of a plan, Mr. Saeki really fails to mention that most gamers were kept well informed of what went on during E3 and attended TGS fairly well versed in the E3 videos of the console in action. Mr. Saeki also goes on to suggest that he understands that a live demonstration of playable games would have had an even greater positive impact on the public's perception of the new Sony console.

If you are confused this far then get ready for further frustration as Mr. Saeki could not confirm a date for PS3s first showing although he did claim that the February 2006 event expected to be the first demonstration of PlayStation 3 in action has been cancelled. Instead, the Sony exec claims, SCE will host a special event which will stun and impress gamers worldwide, although he refused to go into further detail.