Before reading on, be warned that the origin of Destiny's logo that's uncovered below cannot be unseen.
Credit goes to Reddit user Starboy11 for discovering that the logo of Bungie's upcoming Destiny has its roots in the studio's most successful franchise: Halo. It is hard to believe, but the photo evidence in the gallery proves beyond doubt that Destiny's logo is in fact a SPARTAN-IV's suit crotch.
Okay! It is doubtful that Bungie's design team sat together to decide whether to model Desinty's logo after SPARTAN's crotch or butt; Nonetheless, now cannot unsee the crotch in it.
Destiny is currently in closed Beta and it is set for release on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on September 9th, 2014.
July 26, 2014 - 5:47am