Naughty Dog Studios has decided to release the multiplayer portion of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception as a standalone free-to-play title through the PlayStation Network (PSN).
More precisely, the first 15 levels of competitive multiplayer are available for free, while the rest of the multiplayer game can be unlocked through micro transactions.
Naughty Dog lead game designer Robert Cogburn was open to admitting the motives behind the move. First, they hope to boost the number of Uncharted 3 online players; and second, they are testing the freemium waters.
Only competitive multiplayer is available for free, and with a level cap at 15. Micro transactions can be used to raise the level cap to 25 or to lift it off completely. They can also be used to purchase the Co-op Arena and the Adventure modes as premium DLCs.
The "Game of the Year" Edition of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be available for purchase through the PSN too. If you want the complete package, this might be a sweeter deal.