As if to combat all the nasty things you guys have said about it, Watch Dogs has yet another trailer, this time showing off some of Nvidia's advanced technology that the game makes use of to make its pretty and apparently sunset-filled world.
Some of the technology on show includes a new cinematic anti-aliasing which should help removing flicking and tears around railings, foliage and other thin but obstructive objects. Also on display is the new horizon based ambient occlusion, which adds more realistic shadows to everything and allows for the lovely way the sunlight bleeds through gaps in railings and the above ground train tracks.
This is of course just one of many trailers we've seen for Watch Dogs, with many still thinking we've yet to see one as good looking as its original 2012 reveal trailer. It's certainly a pretty game, but what do you guys think of these newly highlighted and PC only effects? Does it put it over the top for you?
Watch Dogs is set for release on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on May 27th. A Wii U version is planned for some date in the future but it's not known as of yet when that will be.