What a lovely day! Mad Max recreated in GTA V

What a lovely day! Mad Max recreated in GTA V

Mad Max: Fury Road is impressing everyone at the moment, whether they like the minimalist story, use of practical effects or the heavily stylised and detailed - but relatively unexplained - world. As with everything that's popular for a few seconds then, it's now got its own trailer built in the expansive confines of GTA's editor.

Although the local isn't quite as dry, dead and deserted as Mad Max's universe, there are some spots in GTA V's landscape that lend them quite well to the type of high speed, automotive chase scenes that made up the majority of the new movie. Thanks to a quick bit of face paint too, the people trying to take down the truck in this trailer even look a bit like the war boys from Immortan Joe's army as well.

Throw in a bit of Mad Max voice over and it's really not that far from the real deal.

Have any of you see Fury Road yet? If so, what did you think? It seems to be impressing most of those who have had a chance to see it so far.