Air Strike 2 3D: Gulf Thunder GER (+4 Trainer)
Text file description:
ol Olli^cRo MYTH PROUDLY PRESENTS: AirStrike II Gulf Thunder Plus 6 Trainer RELEASE SIZE : 1 * 1.44MB RELEASE DATE : 02/2005 PROTECTION : X - --+ [Release Notes] +-- - Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it! Trainer Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Unlimited Health 2 - Get All Guns 3 - Get All Missiles (Unlimited) 4 - Get All Items(Unlimited) 5 - 1 Hit Kills 6 - Get Max Gun Power (See Notes) 7 - Resume All To Normal NOTE: Once you activate option #6 all your weapons will be upgraded to the best level. Read this NFO properly! - --+ [Install Notes] +-- - 1. Unpack to gamedir. 2. Run Trainer. 3. Start the game via trainer. --+ [ News & Application ] +-- You think you can contribute to the scene too? You have one or more talents in: - suppliers who work for any software shops/stores like: Electronic Boutique, Babbages, GAME, HMV, Dixons, Virgin or any software place at all! - suppliers for new unreleased store/shop games that have access to a fast upload 300k+ internet connection. - network or security administrators on fast 10mb plus internet links, who have full control and responsibility over their fast links. - supplying new unreleased games (maybe you work at a game/util magazine, courier delivery firm, newspaper, game press/marketing company, distributor, publisher, duplicator, tv/radio show, shop, warehouse, design firm, language translation company, packing company store etc). No need for a fast internet connection for this =] - you are a coder who can code your own tools to automatically remove commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the following: SafeDisc or Securom or Tages or VOB or Laserlok or StarForce. - are you able to write your own source code to unpack & repack custom game related file formats. If you can meet one or more of our above requests and want to be a part of the fun today, e-mail us. Use the contact information given below. Always remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do this just for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene jobs. As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. "If you like this game, BUY it. We did!" - --+ [Contact Details] +-- - E-MAIL: friends@demogroup.org UPDATED [08/JUN/2003] Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 39.97 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
February 25, 2005 - 9:00pm