Civil War Battles: Campaign Ozark v1.07 (+3 Trainer)
Text file description:
asC/Strick9 oO Deviance -- CIVIL WAR BATTLES CAMPAIGN OZARK PLUS 3 TRAINER -- CD Count.......: 01 CD(s) Date...........: 03/2003 Protection.....: X -- READ THIS NFO PROPERLY & UNDERSTAND IT! Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it! ** Release Information ** Trainer Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Unlimited Movement 2 - Unlimited Fatique 3 - Unlimited Turns 4 - Resume All To Normal Install Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Unpack to gamedir. 2) Run Trainer. 3) Start the game via trainer. Read this NFO properly! -- DEViANCE Application Information You think you can contribute to the scene too? You have one or more talents in: - supplying NEW unreleased GAMES (maybe you work at a game/util magazine, courier delivery firm, newspaper, game press/marketing company, distributor, publisher, duplicator, tv/radio show, shop, warehouse, design firm, language translation company, packing company store etc). You don't need a fast internet connection for the above! - supplying NEW unreleased store/shop games BEFORE, yes that's BEFORE the store release date & have a fast UPLOAD 300k+ internet connection and time to spare on weekday mornings. We are NOT interested in modem, cable, or DSL links as they can be capped at anytime! Proper internet connections are needed! Of course we shall reimburse you for the costs of the games you buy. As we buy our games! - you are experienced in removing executable protection systems (such as ASProtect, ASPack, Armadillo, tELock, NeoLite etc.) and you are willing to help defeating the latest versions of commercial iso copying protection systems like Safedisc 2+ or Securom or Tages or VOB or StarForce or Laserlok. You must be able to code in assembly language. - you are a coder with lots of experience in Debugging/ASM & C/C++. You also can code your OWN tools to automatically remove commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the following: SafeDisc or Securom or TAGES or VOB or Laserlok or StarForce. Using tools created by others does NOT count and we check! You will also need advanced knowledge of import tables setting breakpoints with/and PE File Formats. - are you able to write YOUR OWN source code to unpack & repack game related major file format types such as MPQ, MIX & WAD? And can you also identify most major big-file formats(files that contain more files) by looking at the hex byte code of the header for that file? Do you know what reindexing is in regards to game .exe's and can you do it? And can you turn your OWN source code written in ASM/C/C++ for the above tasks into executable group tools? And do you also have 50K downlink for downloading new game formats to write tools for? You must send example code of your work with sources on major file formats for depacking/repacking. Existing/stolen source will not be allowed! - making trainers for newly released games, menu driven, must work in Win9x and Win2K/WinXP. Also you must be on a 50k downlink at least. And you have time during the week to do trainers. Also you understand DMA & ASM debugging techniques and use them to find your trainer codes. This is needed to make sure your trainers will work on all operating systems! If you can meet one or more of those requirements and want to join the finest active group in the scene today, e-mail us. Use the contact information given below. And always remember: we do this just for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own money, as we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. And if you like this game, BUY it. We did! -- How to Contact DEViANCE READ BELOW FIRST OR YOUR MAIL WILL BE DELETED: DEViANCE DOES NOT PASSWORD FILES, OTHERS DO THAT! DEViANCE DOES NOT MAIL OR FTP OR SEND MISSING FILES OF OUR RELEASES! DEViANCE DOES NOT PUBLISH FILES ON WEB SITES, NEVER! DEViANCE DOES NOT USE IRC TO PUBLISH FILES, NEVER! DEViANCE DOES NOT USE ICQ OR MSN, NEVER! DEViANCE DOES NOT REMOVE INFOMATION FROM NFOS, OTHERS DO THAT! DEViANCE DOES NOT DO TECHNICAL SUPPORT, NEVER EVER! DEViANCE DOES NOT HAVE, WANT OR NEED ANY WEB SITES! DEViANCE DOES NOT GIVE OUT ANY LINKS OR FILENAMES! DEViANCE DOES NOT GIVE OUT ANY MUSIC OR GAME FILES! DEViANCE DOES NOT TELL TO GROUP OUTSIDERS HOW TO CRACK OR TRAIN GAMES! DEViANCE DOES NOT HAVE MAILING LISTS OR NEWS LISTS! DEViANCE DOES NOT DO SCENE OR GROUP INTERVIEWS! DEViANCE DOES NOT WANT PEOPLE TO SPREAD OUR RELEASES! DEViANCE DOES NOT USE OR SUPPORT PEER-TO-PEER SERVICES! DEViANCE DOES NOT SUPPORT ILLEGAL STREET TRADERS! DEViANCE DOES NOT TELL YOU WHERE YOU CAN OBTAIN OUR FILES! DEViANCE DOES NOT TELL YOU HOW OTHER PEOPLE OBTAIN OUR FILES! DEViANCE DOES NOT REPLY, WHEN YOU DON'T READ THE ABOVE! SO DO NOT ASK... Via the WWW : WE DO NOT USE OR WANT ONE, THANKS. Via E-Mail : apply@apcsupply.org (READ NOTES ABOVE FIRST). DEViANCE: SHARPER & FASTER THAN LiGHT! [NFO UPDATED 13/JAN/2003]- Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 25.06 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
April 1, 2003 - 9:00pm