Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]

Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]
Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]
Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]
Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]

Homefront v1.1 (+9 Trainer) [Razor 1911]

Text file description:

                                         1 9 1 1         <JED>
                          Razor 1911 proudly presents:
                       Homefront Update 1 Plus 9 Trainer
                                   (C) THQ
  Release Date: 2011-04-22                  Platform: WinXP/ WinVista /Win7
  Release Size: Small                      Game Type: FPS/ ACTION
  Release Type: Trainer
 Game notes
 The year is 2027. Her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray,
 America has fallen to a savage occupation by the nuclear armed Greater Korean
 Republic.  Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak
 landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs.  This is a police state where
 high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter
 armored attack vehicles. Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom
 against an overwhelming military force In Homefronts gripping, cinematic single
 player campaign, and experience epic, ground breaking multiplayer action all set
 in a terrifyingly plausible near-future world.
 General trainer information
 Make sure to run the trainer as administrator.
 Before you are able to use any of the shown options below. You need
 to press F12 first to enable the trainer.
 Ingame hotkeys
 #    Hotkey              Option
      F12                 Enable Trainer
 #    Hotkey              Option
 1    NUMPAD1             Toggle Infinite Health
 2    NUMPAD2             Toggle Super Speed
 3    NUMPAD3             Toggle Super Jump
 4    NUMPAD4                    Save Position
 4    NUMPAD5                    Restore Position
 5    NUMPAD6             Toggle Infinite Ammo & Grenades
 6    NUMPAD7             Toggle Rapid Fire
 7    NUMPAD8             Toggle One Hit Kill
 8    NUMPAD9             Toggle Slow Motion Enemies
 9    NUMPAD0             Toggle Convert Enemies
 Trainer notes
 NUMPAD1 - Infinite Health
 This option will give you an infinite amount of health.
 NUMPAD2 - Super Speed
 This option will let you run around with the speed of light.
 NUMPAD3 - Super Jump
 With this option your will be able to jump much higher than usual.
 NUMPAD4 - NUMPAD5 Save / Restore Position
 This option will give you a nice teleporting system.
 Simply hit NUMPAD4 to save your current position. Use
 NUMPAD5 to restore it back.
 NUMPAD6 - Infinite Ammo & Grenades
 This option will give you an infinite amount of ammo and grenades.
 C4 is included with this option aswell.
 NUMPAD7 - Rapid Fire
 This option will let you shoot your weapons with a much higher firing
 NUMPAD8 - One Hit Kill
 This option will let you kill all your enemies with just one shot.
 To get it to work you simply hover your crosshair over the enemy.
 NUMPAD9 - Slow Motion Enemies
 Hover your mouse over the enemy and they will walk in slowwwmotion.
 NUMPAD0 - Convert Enemies/ Stupid Enemies
 This is the most powerfull option on the trainer. What the option does
 is convert your enemies into friends. They will not attack you nor your
 team. I have stuck in another boolean to allow you to kill the enemies.
 Install Notes
 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
 2. Run the trainer from the desktop.
 3. Start the game
 4. Toggle desired Options on/off
 Razor 1911 Greetings
 To the competition.
                        Razor 1911   /__   Since 1985
                                    /  /

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 53.26 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ