Jagged Allience money cheat
Text file description:
-- -[ NAPALM ULTiMATE KiLLiNG EXPERiENCE ]- The originaL --- -- ------ -- | PRoGGY TiTLE: Jagged Aliance money cheat| | PROUD AUTHoR: Guardian | | RELEASE DATE: 25/6| | BOX WRAPPER: AK| AUtHoR/PaCkeRz NotES/CoMMeNTz/GrEEtiNgZ/ExCuSeS FoR HaViN CoDeD SuCh A CrAp | This patch will give you lots of money in JA. Of course that won't be | enough to finish the game, but if you cheat on the other items like getting| | all weapons, the game will lost interest. This is a fair help[AK] -- ------ -- - FOUNDER & PREZ -- Asskicker - GFX,Some Coding,PR,Writin',WHQ Syznav,Napalm Net (an201088@anon.penet.fi) - ViCE PREZ -- Death's Law - GFX, MB Sysop - SENiOR STAFF -- John Rambo - PPL Coder, MB Sysop (an228693@anon.penet.fi) Phantom Lord - Coder, MB Sysop - ACTiVE (?) MEMBERS -- The Guardian - Ripper, Supplier Obi Wan Cannabis - Musician Mario Peiddetti - Local Trader Terminator - Musician - OCCASiONAL WORK MEMBERS (AKA LAZY PIGS) -- Cebolas - Anarchy Section Mad Zombie - WHQ Helper,Some Coding Satan - Coder,Cracker, Internet Keeper Nighthawk - Official NUKE party/swimming pool/lawn keeper - M.I.A. Dudes -- Sacred Warrior - Real Coder,Co-Founder Here's where you can find the latest releases and contact uz -- ------ -- JOiNT NUMBER SPEEDZ RULER POSITION -- ------ -- RKLS$LiF +351-1-GOEATC4 v34,VFC,v32b Asskicker WORLDHQ IFr0 +351-1-JUST4ME VFC,v32b John Rambo MEMBER Shadow Zone +351-1-7163693 v34,VFC,v32b Phantom Lord MEMBER NuclearAssault DOWN VFC,v32b Deathz Law MEMBER -- ------ -- Black Hole+351-1-457DARKVFC,v32bNighthawkLOCAL DiST Realms of Darkness+351-1-DUNNOW!v34,VFC,v32bCaptain HookLOCAL DiST Virtual BBS+351-65-553329v32bVoxel SOUTH DiST -- ------ -- TH Rijswijk+31-70-3401534/40VFC,v32bRaymondHOLLAND Maniax Dream+31-2979-72019VFC,v32bValosHOLLAND House of Horror+01-531-7346470v32bDead CrowUSA DiST -- ------ -- Net rockers can also find our stuff in ftp.uniserve.com /pub/gamesnet/NUKE We usually kick up recent releases up there too. -- ------ -- If you're not listed, you're not an official [NUKE] joint - Apply! :) WE SUCK! MEMBERS NEEDED! DO YOU WANT TO JOiN THE BEST ART/ELiTE CODiNG GROUP IN THE WORLD? Well, we can't help you with that, but you can join NUKE! :) We seek QUALITY members, but since we can't get any, we might even settle with YOU! Coders, GFX artists (ANSi/Raytracing/Rendered Pics), quality PPL coders, musicians, traders (with full iNet xs) Wanna apply? Have a group and want a dist site in Portugal? Want your BBS to be an official NUKE dist site? Tell us what you can do Contact us at WHQ/Member Boards Or leave mail on Internet to an201088@anon.penet.fi -- ----- ---- -- LD callers, Busty Girls and Black Nazi Jews get FULL DISABLE on our boards!! No fuckin techno-lovin-faggo-lhamo suckers allowed! Please talk about us, so we can be famous and shoot ourselves in the head -- ----- ---- -- [17]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: nkjacht.zip
File size: 12.93 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am