Maximus XV Abraham Strong: Space Mercenary (+15 Trainer)
Text file description:
A G E S [.:.Nf0.:.] Title...: Maximus.XV.Plus.15.Trainer Author..: [SHEEP] Type....: Trainer Date....: 23/02/05 Options.: 15 Size....: 1xsmall [.:.Options.:.] Once again AGES brings you the trainer that matters for this excellent game. Average time for a PROPER!! trainer is about a week imo, this gives you about 10 - 15 actual work/test hours, at least thats the average I spend, this information is just incase people are wondering why we rls AFTER everyone else.. WE DONT! they release BEFORE us! :) Some groups need to take pride in their work and stop trying to put out their shitty releases before a better group actually produces a trainer worth using.. keep it in mind fellow trainer people :) Even though I dont agree with early releasing I do understand it.. I mean.. Who the FUCK!! would want to compete against AGES? hehe.. I hope thats fired a few people up.. On with the show.. Notes OPT.No. TRAINER HOTKEY AND DESCRIPTION ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No 01 H - Infinite Health No 02 E - Infinite Energy YeS 03 A - Aliens Cannot Fire On --- -- J - Aliens Cannot Fire Off YeS 04 U - Infinite Upgrade Points YeS 05 F1 - Save Position --- -- F2 - Restore Position YeS 06 L - Level Up YeS 07 T - Steroids On --- Y - Steroids Off POINTER OPTIONS! ================ These options are enabled by moving your mouse pointer over the indicated item/weapon/enemy. YeS 08 R - (Weapon) Range Remover YeS 09 W - (Weapon) Super Charge YeS 10 D - (Enemy) Death Pointer YeS 11 S - (Enemy) Slow Motion Pointer YeS 12 P - (Item) Pre-Requisite Remover YeS 13 C - (Item) Max Charges YeS 14 K - (Item) Identify Item YeS 15 O - (Item) Remove Durability YeS -- N - Neutralize All Pointers [.:.Notes.:.] TRAINER NOTES!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A - Aliens Cannot Fire On ========================= This option stops any aliens that have missile weapons from firing at you, this renders them helpless. U - Infinite Upgrade Points =========================== Enables you to upgrade your stats as much as you like. F1 - Save Position ================== Use this to get yourself out the way of hordes of screaming aliens. Press F1 to save your current position, hit F2 to take you directly BACK to that position at any time, to save a new position just tap F1 again. L - Level Up ============= This option fills your experience points up to the next level so all you need to do is shoot an alien to trigger the levelup. T - Steroids On ================ Nice option here, when enabled you are injected with some serious blood pumpin juice :)) everything you do is 100x faster.. you will zoom around the screen like a madman also any weapon you are using will also shoot or slash 100x faster aswell :)) enjoy.. R - (Weapon) Range Remover =========================== Another great option for your pleasure.. When enabled this option will remove the RANGE of any weapon you move it across, this weapon will be able to fire anywhere in your visual range. Using this option on a SLASHING BLADE of some kind has a funny effect :) because you can be standing across the other side of the screen and it still stabs aliens across the river, they just drop dead :) W - (Weapon) Super Charge ========================== Any weapon you move across while having this enabled will have its damage SUPER SIZED to stupid proportions :) D - (Enemy) Death Pointer ========================== Moving across an alien with this option enables will reduce its health to 1. S - (Enemy) Slow Motion Pointer ================================ This option will turn any alien under your mouse pointer into a major slow coach :) everything it does will be extremely slow. P - (Item) Pre-Requisite Remover ================================= If any Item/Weapon etc has pre-requisites like knowledge 44 for instance then enabling this option and waving the mouse pointer over it will remove it. C - (Item) Max Charges ======================= This option will put 255/255 charges into your high tech items. DO NOT!!! use on any weapons.. it will stop them from working. K - (Item) Identify Item ========================= Some items are tagged as UNIDENTIFIED ITEM, to reveal what their hidden stats are just enable this option and move your mouse over it. O - (Item) Remove Durability ============================= This option turns all items with a durability into indestructible items. Wave your magic mouse pointer over anything item with a durability and watch it disappear. N - Neutralize All Pointers ============================ This will kill ALL 3 types of mouse pointers.. so when you press N enemy/item/weapon pointers are all reset to normal. Contact us at team.ages@hushmail.com "The Group That Time Forgot And Talent Crashed Into" Gfx by the Dynamic Trio: w0, s! and cH Dedicated to beer, drugs, and medicine
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 159.61 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
February 25, 2005 - 9:00pm