No One Lives Forever +1 trainer
Text file description:
-=|CES|=- http://www.gamehacking.com -=[CES Is Proud To Present]=- *[Trainer Releaser : GizmoDerMokwai ]* *[Name Of The Game : No One Lives Forever ]* *[Game Version : 1.0 ]* *[Game Homepage : www.noonelivesforever.com ]* *[Trainer Version : 1.0 ]* *[Number Of Options : 1 ]* *[Release Date : 18-11-2000 ]* """o.,,.o[ Instructions ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unpack the Trainer and start the EXE-File. After that start the game and hit the Hotkeys in game. SHIFT + F12 Add 100 to Health """o.,,.o[ Team Greetz ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olivier Wolfshade Darklighter SpaceMarine Frenchie DLH Frenchie Bernd Peter MI2 007Cheater Former CES Members """o.,,.o[ Personal Greetz ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damon Micro Bang00Schneider Sniper michael Gabumon Qui-Gon Bobby-X Reg Stiehl Psycho Revenant Butcher """o.,,.o[ Disclaimer ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we do not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has been tested and should work perfectly on your system. --- """o.,,.o[ Contact Info ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - *[CES HomePage : http://www.gamehacking.com ]* *[Releaser's HomePage : http://www.GizmoDerMokwai.de/ ]* *[Releaser's Email : gizmo@gizmodermokwai.de ]* *[GameHacking Chat Room : #GameHacking Channel On The Undernet Network ]* - """o.,,.o[ General Info ]o.,,.o""" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory locations of running programs(games). In order for a trainer to work, it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. Do not CLOSE the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since trainers are written to alter SPECIFIC memory locations, they usually only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most common problem when trainers seem to be "not working". CES is searching for experienced members who like working in a unified team, so if you think: 'Hey ! That fits to me', visit our webpage, inform yourself about CES and get in touch with us ASAP. .___________________________ ____________. / ______/ _______/ / ____/ / /_____/ _____/________ \____________\_____________\______________/. >CES<- ([CES]) http://www.gamehacking.com ([CES]) ____________ _______________ ____________CES - 'If it's in the game, it's in the Release'_______________
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: cesnoone.zip
File size: 108.49 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
December 12, 2000 - 8:25am