Age of Mythology (+9 Trainer)
Text file description:
________.____.____.____. ._______ ________. _______ .____. ./ . | | | |_. | ___/__._\____ | / ____/_| |_. | /| | | | ._|_| | __. |_\____ | ._|_ | | | : | | | | | / | | | ' | ' | | | | | / | | |_________|_________|__________\_______|_________|__________|__________ - O U T C A S T - Proudly presents: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Of Mythology +9 Trainer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Date : Nov 14th,2002 - Game Type : RTS Release Size : 1 x 05 - Format : TRAINER :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trainer Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Infinite Gold 2 - Infinite Wood 3 - Infinite Food 4 - Infinite Favor B - Instant Build units/buildings on V - Instant Build units/buildings off G - Grace Of God Marker on F - Grace Of God Marker off K - Destroy ANY selected Unit/Building A - Armageddon on (read nfo) S - Armageddon off (read nfo) R - Remove Population Cap Special Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oki, another long nfo to explain these advanced trainer options :) When i saw the cheats rlsed for Age of Mythology i decided that they pretty much did the job as far as cheating the game goes so wasnt surprised not to see any trainers for it.. then i noticed that even on the web the trainers were not coming out so i decided to look into it myself.. i came to the conclusion that the reason no trainers were being rlsed is because the values in AOM for resources are encrypted with a laughable XOR.. if ur that interested i wrote a tutorial on my method of getting around this its at www.geocities.com/smil0r26/tut3.txt. Anyways.. on with the show.. As usual with these newer games ive had to create a system for my more advanced options to work. '1 - 4' THE RESOURCE OPTIONS ---------------------------- 1 - Infinite Gold 2 - Infinite Wood 3 - Infinite Food 4 - Infinite Favor Similar to my warcraft3 trainer i wanted to make sure that only the player and not the computer had the benefit from the resources.. this is how its done.. once u have pressed 1 - 4 to select what u want to be infinite u need to click on the resource icon in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, any of the icons will do .. it just brings up a TRIBUTE DIALOG where u give tributes to ur allies.. every time you bring this dialog up whatever resources you have chose will have 102400 placed into them.. u can do this whenever you get low on anything, this gives only u the advantage because the injected code is within the dialog routine and the computer certainly doesnt use them. :) 'B' INSTANT BUILD UNITS/BUILDINGS on ------------------------------------ This one is simple.. turn it on when u want to build ur army/settlement and then turn it off.. computer will game minimal benefit only while you are building your own army. 'V' INSTANT BUILD UNITS/BUILDINGS off ------------------------------------- nuff said.. 'G' GRACE OF GOD MARKER on -------------------------- OK!!.. here we get to the CORE!! of the system, as you can see i love naming my options silly things :) You may have noticed i used this same system in my O.R.B trainer.. so its come in pretty handy..Effectively what this does when turned on is this.. When u touch a unit or building it places "1337" into their health.. from then on this unit/building is totally invincible from any attack on its health.I achieve this by using the "1337" as signature bytes.. then injecting a compare into the damage routines to check for this value.. therefor making everything touched by THE GRACE OF GOD :)) invincible.. small NOTE!! some powers such as being turned to stone can still kill you because they do not attack your health. 'F' GRACE OF GOD MARKER off --------------------------- Once you have finished marking all of your troops dont forget to turn it off or you will end up making the enemy invincible aswell. :) 'K' DESTROY ANY SELECTED UNIT/BUILDING -------------------------------------- Well as the options suggests.. this is for killing any UNIT OR BUILDING within the game.. just click on an enemy unit or building and press K its then instantly killed.. like i say this works for everything within the game that has a health level ie walls etc.. addition!! u cannot use this option if u have the GRACE OF GOD option enabled.. make sure its turned off.. 'A' ARMAGEDDON on ----------------- heh, this is my favourite option.. very nice to create and has a very nice effect on skirmish games.. :) basically.. this is how you use this effectively... turn on GRACE OF GOD.. mark all of your units and buildings with it.. then press 'A' to turn on ARMAGEDDON, anything that isnt touched by the GRACE OF GOD marker is instantly killed.. :) in a skirmish game this means instant WIN!.. in the campaign it becomes a little more ODD!! i zipped through about 6 missions in 2 or 3 minutes.. but i did get stuck on missions that said rescue someone.. because ARMAGEDDON killed them .. so be careful when using it in the campaigns.. 'S' ARMAGEDDON off ------------------ Because the option needs to go around all troops within the game i thought it better to make it an on/off option.. this one u MUST remember to turn off once you have used it :)) 'R' REMOVE POPULATION CAP ------------------------- normal boring option :) unlimited population.... Well, its been fun doing this one.. lots of work.. but lots learnt aswell.. i hope you lot enjoy using the trainer as much as i did making it.. :)) sheep. btw.. making one of the enemy soldiers invincible and then setting 20 cyclops on him is funny as hell.. they end up throwing him around like a football for half an hour.. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Application Infos - We are curently looking for people that can : supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc) , not on the net ! people who can do trainers ! people who can crack latest protection schemes ( safedisc2 , Securom , Etc ) ! So if you have some free time, a fast connection and the urge to prove yourself in the scene contact us today at: outcast@mipunto.com / #out.info @ efnet Note: Suppliers only please, all other posts filled. So Don't Waste Our and your Time! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Greetings - DIVINE - MIRACLE - ORGASM - RIOT - BIN - TWCISO - VENOM - ZENITH - ESCAPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This release is done for testing purpose ONLY! If you play this game more that 10 minutes, you should buy it ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " A game worth playing is a game worth buying !!! "
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 28.75 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
November 17, 2002 - 9:00pm