Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within (Bonus Unlocker)
Text file description:
POP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJPOP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJPOP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJPOP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJPOP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJPOP4BLeH! %A99.O!6 -%%& &''((-*-SG>?~? Xdqx"???:lvJ _ BLeH! _ |_| |_| | | /^^^ | | _| |_ (| "o" |) _| |_ _| | | | _ (_---_) _ | | | |_ | | | | |' | _| |_ | `| | | | | | | / & | | BUSH / / /(. .) LADEN _/ / / / | . | / / / ||Y|| / / \__/ || || \__/ () () || || ooO Ooo eNDANGER HUMANITY presents ------------------------------------------------------ Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Bonus Unlocker ------------------------------------------------------ http://www.princeofpersiagame.com/ ------------------------------------------------------ Here is a hacked profile to unlock all bonus galleries (videos & illustrations) ------------------------------------------------------ 1) unrar allbonus.rar at the root of the partition where "documents and settings" is located (usually it's the system partition, which usually is "C:") 2) select the profile BLeH! to unlock all bonus. 3) have phun and pls buy the game if you like persian girls in thong & leather! ------------------------------------------------------ KUDOS TO SPARTH! Sparth is the ubertalented man behind PoP2 dark design and astounding artwork. Visit his gallery at http://www.sparth.com/gallery/ and be flabbergasted! ------------------------------------------------------ SHAME ON BUSH! You may already know that Bush II still refuses to ratify the Kyoto Protocol which is the first and fundamental step of global action against global warming. Read this article to learn further: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Protocol Every proud US citizen should lobby politicians in order to change that shameful stance which unfairly makes US people look like selfish and arrogant polluters! WE ARE NOT CONSUMERS ONLY, WE ARE COSMOCITIZENS FIRST! ------------------------------------------------------ BLEH! 4 MORE YEARS OF BUSHED AMERICA! ------------------------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 2.36 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
December 14, 2004 - 9:00pm