Redline +8 trainer
Text file description:
Roy/SAC - ORIGIN PRESENTS - - Redline Plus Three Trainer - Supplier: ORIGIN Release Date: March 15th, 1999 Trainer: Pluto Protection: None Packager: Blitzkrieg Game Genre: Action File Format: EXE # of Files: One Requirements: Redline TRAINER FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pluto's trainers work a little differently than Light Bringer's. Instead of function keys, alt-tab out of the game, and tick the trainer functions from the list that you wish to use. * Unlimited Ammo * Unlimited Health * All Levels Cheat ORIGIN Membership ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blitzkrieg, Butcher, Cypher, DaJackal, Delta, DJay, Genesis P'orridge, Goatass, Gogolie, ][ce, Light Bringer, Mad Devil, Mad Turnip, Marauder, Mr. Puppy 3D, Mr. Chavez, Noah Body, Pluto, Possible, Powertool, Recoil, Rosco, The Renegade Chemist, The Tentacle, Thor, TK4, TKLP, Tragik, Wadood, Wideon, X-Con, and Zip. ORIGIN Senior Couriers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Pumpkin and Wishmaster. ORIGIN Courier Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fertile, Moonsabre, Redman, Lester, SacX, Term, and Xtase. ORIGIN Headquarters & Distribution Sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E WHQ Europe FH CHQ Netherlands DF3 HQ United States SOD HQ United States BHZ HQ United States DFH HQ United Kingdom DLD HQ United Kingdom ORIGIN News & Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ORIGIN wishes the staff and especially the siteop of our former World Headquarters the best. TV was an outstanding WHQ, and it was an honor having them. Unfortunately for ORIGIN, TV and her sister site TV-ISO were taken down this week, as the siteop wishes to concentrate on his studies. The WHQ situation will most likely be resolved within a week. For now, E will function as WHQ until a replacement is found or that position made permanent. * ORIGIN welcomes DF3 as USHQ. * ORIGIN is on the lookout for fast new original suppliers. If you have access to brand new, unreleased games, contact us immediately. Origin seeks people who work at a software house, store/shop, distributor, publisher, or magazine. We always reimburse the full retail cost of any originals because we know that you don't get something for nothing. * If you are able to supply Origin with free hardware especially memory, CPU's, and 3DFX cards, let us know. * We're in search of Origin Elites in the Arabian Gulf, if you think you fit the bill, contact us now. * We are not looking for additional FTP sites at this time. However, if you are able to supply or crack, we might be persuaded to make a small exception. * ORIGIN is not accepting courier applications, so please don't waste our time and yours by telling us what a great trader you are. Contacting ORIGIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Relay Chat: #Origin on EFnet ORIGIN E-Mail: newsupply@hotmail.com "Stadiums don't score goals" $$$ sssssyyyyyyyyssssssyyyy sssssyyyyyyyyssssyyyyy yyyyysssssss$$$yyysssssss$$$$$$$$ yyyysssssss$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$ . $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$sssss y$$$ $$$$$$$$ gF!dAfAt . . $$$$$ : $$$$$$ . .d$$P""4$$b. $$$$ . .d$$P""4$$b. : : $$$$$ i $$$$$$ : $$$l l$$$ $$$$ : $$$l l$$$ DF3 i .i $$$$$ l $$$$$$ i '4$$bd$$P' . $$$$ i '4$$bd$$P' l. d$l $$$$$ .$ $$$$$$ l $$$$$$$$ : $$$$ l $$$$$$$$ : S$, '"4l $$$$$ bg' $$$$$$ $. $$$$$$$$ b$ $$$$ $. $$$$$$$$ b$ yyygF lP'~ - i $$$$$ P~ _.$$$$$$ "4b, $$$$$$$$. ~4$ $$$$ "4b, $$$$$$$$. ~4$ $$$$$ i - : $$$$$ .dP"'""4y. '4$ $$$$"'" ' "4y. '4$ $$$$"'"4y ' $$$$$ : - 4$$$$.P - --- - 4b, $$P --- - - - 4b, $$P- --- b. $$$P 'S$S' 'SyS' 'SyS' 'S$' [DMS] DIMENSION US HEADQUARTERS d A F A t - 3 [MFD] MANIFEST DESTINY COURIER HEADQUARTERS [OGN] ORIGIN US HEADQUARTERS [SGE] SIEGE HEADQUARTERS dAFAT oF tHE lAND [UCF] UNITED CRACKING FORCE US HEADQUARTERS bREATHE tHE pRESSURE! [RNG] RENEGADE COURIER HEADQUARTERS [RTN] REVOLUTION COURIER HEADQUARTERS This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: redlinep3.zip
File size: 101 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:43am