Sonic 3D +3 trainer

Sonic 3D +3 trainer

Sonic 3D +3 trainer

Text file description:

     :::% ;,g%; ~~:%il8li%: ;,g%b,; :%%: ;,g%b,; %:::
    ::%%% ;; :%illi%: ;?,`?P; :%%: ;?,`?P; %::
       :% ;; :%ili%: ;`"?%g,_; :i%: ;`"?%g,_; %%%%::
     ::%% ;,;';b,`';db,`b; ;b,`';db,`b; %::
      ::% ;`?P';:,`?; ;`?P'; ,`?; ;`?P'; %%:::
   --- ---------- ------
                           .%. Sonic3D +3 Trainer .%.
  -------- -------- -----
        .^rELEASE^TYPe^:^rELEAE^TYPe^.       .^pACKAGEr++^:^Soultraper^.
    |    .^rELEASE^DATe^:^15/Febr/1998^.      .^sUPPLiEr++^:^Soultraper^.
        .^rELEASE^RATe^:^[]^95%^.  .^pROTECTiOn^:^None/Needed^.
        .^aUTHOr++++++^:^Soultraper^.        .^cRACKER+++^:^4wHAT??^.
 ---- -------- ------- --
                            .%. .^dESCRiPTiOn^. .%.
    Sonic 3d (c) SEGA , Released by CLASS , Long time ago , as our trainer
   | Work , we get out a trainer for any game we put our hands on , so we
    released this +3 Trainer :
    MaxS and Freezes the Life,Rings,and Birds so you wont have any problems
   | finishing any level.
 - ------ -------- -------
                           .%. .^t+S+s^mEMBERs^. .%.                      |
 -- --------- ---- ---
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
   |     SoulTraper           Leader        
        wARRIOR              vIZE bREZ!!             UnListed
        /.                   ,.+ppE DivIsion+.,            .
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
   |     sPACE cRO 100        ppE Coder               Available
   |     Damnition man        ppE cODEr               Not Listed
   |     mOONlight            ppE Coder               Not Listed
        FireStarter          ppE Coder               Not Listed
        CyBErgUY             ppE Coder               Not Listed
        tHE Saint            ppE Coder               Not Listed
        Exhaler              ppE Coder               Not Listed
        WiZkID               ppE Coder               SC97@MAILEXCITE.COM
        /.                   ,.+anSI DivIsion+.,           .
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
   |     Reptile              Ansi Maker              Not Listed
        jUMBO                aNSI Maker              Not Listed
        AlaDDin              aNSI Maker              Not Listed
        sPitFire             aNSI Maker              Not Listed
        dREAMaker            aNSI Maker              Not Listed
        Garfield             aNSI Maker              Not Listed
        /.              ,.+mISc Coding Division+.,         .
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
        D.R Virus            c++/Pascal Coder        Not Listed
        cRAZEd               pRo hTMl Coder          Not Listed
        sTYLus               vGA/htMl Coder          Not Listed
        /.                   ,.+aSCII DivIsion+.,          .
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
   |     Z wAreZ              Ascii mAKer             Not Listed
        /.              ,.+DiStro's +oThER DivIsion.,      .
   |,.%.^dA+mEmBer^NAMe^. % .^dA+AffliCAtion+iN. % . % .^eMail!^.  %
        xTEC                 gERman hQ!!   
        _faTZY_              Finland hQ!   
   |     KoKane               dISTRO site             Not Listed
        Casper               Distro sITE             Not Listed
   |     ^CDman^              bOT mASTER              Available
        iRONWOLF             iNET Courier  
        mISTEr-X             cOURIER                 UnAvailable
 --- ------ ----- ---- -----
                             .%. cHANGES/nEWS .%.
          Nothing much , we released a Vertua Cop 2 Trainer sooner    |
          today so check it out and read it..                         |
       --- ---- ---------- -
                         .%. .^hOW+2+CONTACT+Us^. .%.
           We are searching for Coders,Ansi makers,ASCii maker,fTP..
           Siteops,And iNTRO Makers, we'r searching for someone to
           make us a homepage : active x , Java , Shockwave etc.
           We are no longer accepting BBS Member Boards .
           One apply board is open wich is SoulTrap bbS , caLL there
           to apply , or send the apply form to,the
           apply form will be added in all our releases as
             We have Seviral Email Addresses , Mainly Send to :
              Public files page :
              Homepage Address : Gotta Blame us ! nO Page yet !!
              iRC CHANNEL : #TSS on EFnet !!
      ---- ----- ------ ----
                         .%. .^gREETS+fLYN'+tO^. .%.                   |
            oUR Greet lIST IS Pritty SimPle : wE gREET CLASS,HYBRID
             ,.IF you think you should be in this .nfo contact.,
          ,.US and we'll make sure that you'll get what you deserve.,
      .-- ---- ------ ----- ---.
      ---- ----- ------ ----
                         .. .^bbS Scene nEWS!^. ..                   |
         I checked out some BBS Software that runs under WIN95 and we
         need someone to supply us with them , so call up the WHQ to
         let me inform you exactly of what its about.
  -- ---- ------ ----- -----
    | .%.^dA+BOARD+NAMe^. % .^dA+BOARD'S+NUMBa^. % .^sYSGOd^. % .^sTATUs^.%.
         sOulTRAPbbS      ++972-(4)-8524-834      Soultraper     wHQ!!!
         vERtual InSanatY  ++358-(0)14-34-80142    _FaTzY_        fHQ!!!
         nos[trum] -9-     ++49-5551-911-642       xTEC           gHQ!!!
         BLACK SPIRIT      ++972-(6)-6040-457      CaSPer         m.B
         KOAS ON COMPTON   ++972-(8)-8524-603      KoKane         m.B
         FROZEN DEATH      ++972-(4)-8382-671      fROZEN Knight  m.B
         NUCLEAR OFFSIDE   ++972-(4)-8374-333      Italian wArior m.B
         MIDNIGHT DREAM    ++972-(3)-5538-045      Moonlight      Coder
         THE UNDERWORLD    ++972-(9)-7717-994      fIRESTArTEr    Coder
         EYE OF AVATAR     ++972-(3)-9063-148      cYBERgUY       Coder
         TORNADO BBS       ++972-(6)-6734-690      sPACe cRO 100  Coder
         InsOMniA          ++972-(4)-9866-424      tHE Saint      Coder
         -=[DC&DZ'S BBz]=- ++972-(3)-5017-001      fAT MAN        Coder
         DIGITAL+RAIN      ++972-(6)-iN DelaY      sPITFire       aNSi Mkr
         NECROL0GY         ++972-(4)-9823-7O6      dREAMaker      aNSI MkR
         HOUSE^ATTACK      ++972-(3)-5522-201      FreDy kRoger   aNSi mKr
         lIGHT+hOUSE       ++972-(6)-6731-596      Reptile        aNSi mKr
         InsOMniA          ++972-(4)-9866-424      tHE Saint      aNSi mKr
         wAREZ+mANIA       ++972-(2)-567o-576      wARRIOR        iHQ
         hExENzONE        ++972-(6)-6715-486      aLLADIN        aNSI mKr
         mAYBE+U'R+BOARd.     u'R+BOARD+NUMBa      u'R+HANDLe
  - -------- ------ -------- ----
* The Official Magic Trainer Creator Site is located at *
*          *
*This File was leeched off El Brutalo's Cheat Compendium*
*      check out           *
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name:

File size: 115.95 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ