Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk v1.03 (Unlocker)
Text file description:
aSiaN SouND eXPReSS peps!cRo +AiiA Game..........: Rebel Raiders Type..........: Savegame Cheat Info....: All Access Unlocker Release Size..: 8kb x 1 Target Rlz....: Rebel_Raiders_Operation_Nighthawk (any version are fine) Date..........: October 14, 2005 Ripper........: Team aSx RELEASE NOTES 1. release files with winrar 3.x. 2. put <<Profiles>> into game install path: ->E.X: c:Rebel Raiders Operation Nighthawk 3. run game; load game choose ASXDOX progress Unlocker Info: --------------- - unlock all stages/challenge/missions - unlock all crafts - unlock all weapons allEnL@aSx CONTACT iNFO // APPLiCATiON if you found any mistake in our trainer, please email us on: apply_asxdox@msn.com news: we are currently looking for 100mbit eu affil site(s). can you help? GROUP GREETS GANT MXiSO PiZZADOX and ALL THOSE WHO KEEPING THE GAME SCENE ALIVE and ALL THOSE WHO IS SUPPORTING TEAM aSx !! header peps[AiiA] [A] 06MAR 2003 layout done by... mRmiSta[AiiA] SAUCE00 mRmiSta ASCiiANCE 20050305
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 3.15 KB
Mime type: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 15, 2005 - 9:00pm