4x4 Evolution 2 - Hex Cheat

4x4 Evolution 2 - Hex Cheat

Hex Cheat

Go to c:/program files/Terminal Reality/4x4 Evo2/system/metal - or wherever you installed the game and open it. Then search for "cash" there you will find a code like the ones below "e.g., cash:hmG2Vjd1yCx0JGtR6R3cPqjb." Then choose ONLY the code and delete it. After that write one of the codes below depending on how much money you want.

1300 = PCYDTUjopZV19P8784h7ivj9
36 = hmG2Vjd1yCx0JGtR6R3cPqjb
1700 = wFaXUJuj3K37gsFTRLopwXH2
300 = wzBDB8TUZHDPJrgtY13y8tQujkA
4335 = K7FVNF0aqtMuVhQ2vBrMq2


During gameplay press T and press GOLDFINGER. Now type GIVEMEMONEYORDIE.
Submitted by Doja420