- PC
Load a savegame or start a new game. Access the computer ingame and click on the command tray icon symbol at the top right corner (the 'C:/_' symbol) and type in:
to activate the developer mode. Now use the following commands:
moneyplease = Gives you 250 extra cash
resetloan = resets bank loan to 0
If developers mode is active:
HOLD 'Left Shift' and 'F1' pressed WHILE clicking on 'Show Repair Order' allows you to mark the order as repaired and instantly completes the mission.
Developer Mode:
Go the computer terminal in your garage, then click on the command prompt icon on the task bar in the upper right side of the screen. You can now enter one of the following codes, or instantly complete an order as described below.
Effect - Code
Activate Developer mode - devMode.on
Complete order without doing repairs - Hold [Left Shift+F1] keys when clicking "Show Repair Order".
Earn 250 in cash - moneyplease.
Resets bank loan - resetloan.