- Playstation 3
Made Us Whole (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the game on any difficulty setting
Romper Stomper (Bronze)
Objective: Stomp 10 Containers
Vacuum Cleaner (Bronze)
Objective: Decompress 20 Necromorphs without getting sucked out yourself
...And Stay Down (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 25 crawling enemies with Stomp (single player only)
Think Fast (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 30 Necromorphs with Kinesis objects
The Nanny (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them
Frozen in Time (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 50 Necromorphs while they are in Stasis (single player only)
First Aid (Bronze)
Objective: Use Quick Heal ten times (single player only)
Looking good (Bronze)
Objective: Purchase the Advanced Suit
Fully Outfitted (Bronze)
Objective: Upgrade your RIG and Stasis completely
Picking favorites (Bronze)
Objective: Upgrade 1 Weapon completely
Fully Loaded (Bronze)
Objective: Simultaneously have four completely upgraded weapons
The Sampler Platter (Bronze)
Objective: Kill a Necromorph with every Weapon in the game (single player only).
Lightspeed de Milo (Bronze)
Objective: Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue
The Librarian (Bronze)
Objective: Collect 100 logs
My Boom Stick (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 6 enemies at once with Line Gun's Alt-Fire (single player only)
Shock Therapy (Bronze)
Objective: Impale an enemy with the Javelin Gun and use its Alt-Fire to shock 3 others (single player only)
Lawnmower Man (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 4 enemies with the same Ripper blade
It's a Trap! (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 20 enemies with Detonator Mines in a deployed state
Necro Flambé (Bronze)
Objective: Kill 50 enemies using the Flamethrower
Peek a Boo! (Bronze)
Objective: Kill a Stalker with the Seeker Rifle while in Zoom Mode
C-Section (Bronze)
Objective: Knock down an enemy with Contact Beam Alt-Fire then kill it with Primary Fire befire it stands up
Going for Distance (Bronze)
Objective: Imaple an enemy and make him fly through the air for 17 meters - it must stick to the surface
Taste of your own Medicine (Bronze)
Objective: TK Impale a live Slasher to a surface using a Slasher's arm - it must stick to the surface
Skewered in Space (Bronze)
Objective: Impale an emey into a Decompression Window to cause it to blow out
Clean Cut (Bronze)
Objective: Sever all three tentacles of a Lurker with one Line Gun Primary Fire shot (single player only)
Brute Juke (Bronze)
Objective: Kill a Brute without taking damage
Shoot the Limbs! (Bronze)
Objective: Dismember 25 Necromorph Limbs (single player only)
Bouncing Betty (Bronze)
Objective: Kill a Cyst by catching its Mine and throwing it back
Epic Dismemberment (Silver)
Objective: Dismember 2,500 Necromorph Limbs (single player only)
Collect Peng (Silver)
Objective: Find the Peng treasure
The Electrician (Silver)
Objective: Collect 10 Semiconductors
The Engineer (Silver)
Objective: Collect 10 Schematics
Mission Impossible (Gold)
Objective: Complete the game on Zealot setting
Hard to the Core (Gold)
Objective: Complete the game on Hard Core setting
The Final Frontier (Platinum)
Objective: Earn all Trophies in Dead Space 2
Secret Trophies
Patient on the Loose (Bronze)
Objective: Get your first Suit
Derailed (Bronze)
Objective: Survive the Train Sequence
One Small Step (Bronze)
Objective: Get through the first Zero-G area
Clever Girls (Bronze)
Objective: Survive your first encounter with Stalkers
Torment Me No More (Bronze)
Objective: Kill the Tormentor
The Graduate (Bronze)
Objective: Win the fight at the School
Elevator Action (Bronze)
Objective: Knock off every Tripod during the Eleveator Sequence
Shut Down (Bronze)
Objective: Defeat the AI
Powered Up (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Solar Array Puzzle
Hornet's Nest (Bronze)
Objective: Destroy the Tripod Nest
Operation! (Bronze)
Objective: Snare the Shard with the Ishimura
Knock Knock (Bronze)
Objective: Complete the Drill Ride
The Final Sacrifice (Bronze)
Objective: Destroy the Marker
Cross your Heart, Hope to Die (Bronze)
Objective: Survive the Eye Poke Machine
The Fugitive (Bronze)
Objective: Escape the Facility
DLC: Severed
Remember the Alamo (Bronze)
Objective: Severed: Kill 16 or more enemies in the final last stand combat sequence
Peng Me Again (Bronze)
Objective: Severed: Find the Peng treasure in Severed
King of the Hill (Bronze)
Objective: Severed: Defend the quarry platform until the door unlocks
Grind House (Bronze)
Objective: Severed: In the grinder room, cause an enemy to die in the grinders
The Veteran (Gold)
Objective: Severed: Complete on Zealot difficulty
Secret Trophies
The Betrayal (Gold)
Objective: Severed: Complete Chapter 1
The Sacrifice (Gold)
Objective: Severed: Complete Chapter 2
Ship Shape (Gold)
Objective: Severed: Take out the gunship within 30 seconds