- Playstation 2
Play as Bardock: Unlock the Bardock The Father of Goku scenario in story mode. Play as Burter: Play as Cell first form: Play as Cell Perfect form: Play as Cell second form: Play as Cell Junior: Play as Dabura: Play as Dr.Gero Android 20: Play as Frieza Final Form: Play as Frieza Second Form: Play as Frieza Third Form: Play as Ginyu: Play as Gogeta Super Saiyan 4: Play as Gogeta Super Saiyan: Play as Gohan Great Saiyaman: Play as Gohan Super Saiyan 2: Play as Gohan Super Saiyan: Play as Goku Super Saiyan 2: Play as Goku Super Saiyan 3: Play as Goku Super Saiyan 4: Play as Goku Super Saiyan form: Play as Goten Super Saiyan: Play as Gotenks Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 3: Play as Gotenks: Play as Guldo: Play as Jiece: Play as Kaioshin Supreme Kai: Play as Kame Sennin Master Roshi: Play as Kid Buu: Play as Kid Goku Great Ape: Play as Kid Goku: Play as Kid Trunks Super Saiyan: Play as Majin Vegeta: Play as Majuub Ubb fused with Majin Buu: Play as Mr.Satan Hercule: Play as Nappa: Play as Pan: Play as Pikehan Pikkon: Play as Raditz: Play as Recoome: Play as Super Buu: Play as Super Vegeta Super Saiyan: Play as Tao Pai Pai General Tao: Play as Tapion: Play as Teen Gohan Super Saiyan 2: Play as Teen Gohan Super Saiyan: Play as Trunks Super Saiyan: Play as Trunks Ultimate Super Saiyan: Play as Trunks without sword Super Saiyan: Play as Ultimate Gohan Gohan Elder Kai unlocked ability: Play as Uub: Play as Vegeta Majin Buu Saga Super Saiyan: Play as Vegeta Majin Buu Saga: Play as Vegeta Normal and Super Saiyan: Play as Vegeta Super Saiyan 2: Play as Vegeta Super Saiyan 4: Play as Vegito Super Saiyan: Play as Vegito: Play as Videl Great Saiyaman 2 a.k.a. Great Saiyawoman: Play as Videl: Play as Yajirobe: Bardock The Father of Goku movie: Return Of Cooler movie: History Of Trunks movie: Fusion list: Goten and Trunks: Gotenks Fusion Z Item fusion list: Android 13 = Computer Hatred To get Oozaru Forms, collect power orb fusion Z-items and combine them with the early Saiyan characters. Easy Dragon Balls: Easy money: If you need to buy capsules for your characters early on in the Saiyan Saga or Frieza Saga, replay the event Mysterious Alien Warrior Saiyan Saga 00 to unlock the hidden saga Fateful Brothers. During the events of Fateful Brothers where you play as Radditz, there are several events where you can endlessly attempt the side battles against groups of Saibamen. Each victory will result in a green Z-Item called the Saibamen set, as well as some Zeni and experience for Radditz. The item Saibamen set can be sold at Baba's shop for 150,000 Zeni. Repeat this as many times as desired to purchase Z-Items for your team. Also, purchasing the four Purple Z-Items at the shop is also recommended. Each set of two can be fused into the items Halo and Majin Seal, which allow good and bad characters to use their Blast 2 techniques at half the energy cost. This is a very helpful item during some of the more difficult Sagas. After unlocking the Majin Buu Saga the other tip in this section is much more effective. Completing Story mode: Finding Dragonballs: Tournaments: Cell Games: Win three and Four Rounds type tournament at Budokai Tenkaichi the first tournament. Mr. Money's Tournament: Win Three and Four Rounds type tournament at Cell Games. Five Rounds Tournament: Win Three and Four Rounds type tournament at Mr. Money's Tournament. Final Type Tournament: Win Five Rounds type tournament at every tournament. |