Drawn to Life - Unlock Templates

Drawn to Life - Unlock Templates
Unlock Templates:
Enter pause mode and enter the following codes while holding down L:

Code - Result:
B,B,A,A,X - Animal Templates
Y,X,Y,X,A - Robot Templates
Y,A,B,A,X - Sports Templates
X,Y,B,A,A - Alien Templates
A,X,B,B,Y - Invincibility
Y,X,Y,X,Y,X,A - Heal all Damage

Unlock Secret Town:
To unlock the secret town, you must throw a total of 10,000 rapo coins into the town well. Once you have down that, you can switch between the normal and secret town by tapping on the well with your stylus.

Town Fountain Unlockables:
Either press A or tap on the well next to it to deposit coins. After a certain amount is deposited, something is unlocked:

Coins - Unlock:
200 - 2 Extra Lives
500 - 5 Extra Lives
1000 - Music Available 'Special'
2000 - Palette Available 'Horizontal'
3000 - Music Available 'City Funk'
5000 - Stamp Available 'Shape2'
6000 - Music Available 'Alt.'
7000 - 10 Extra Lives
8000 - 20 Extra Lives
10.000 - Developer's Grove Secret town