- PC
Easy Bronze/Silver League Wins:
1.Start with Scouting. Max it out! A-L-W-A-Y-S!
2.Check through Scouting what your next opponent is lacking. It will be
either Chemistry or Training (i.e. for lacking: Opponents Chemistry is
the straight arrow or his Training is +2 or +5 only)
3.Now start raising your teams Chemistry or Training based on step 2 of
this guide so it will be at least one lever higher than your opponent’s
one (Equal to your opponent’s might work too but it’s a bit risky/RNG
4.After you’ve done the steps above, make sure your players are rested
(Rested means the bar should be above the little line not full) and
enter the match. And that’s it pretty much.
Some side notes worth mentioning:
- Until every match begins you gotta constantly train/rest your players,
you don’t have any minute to spare if you want to achieve the goals
mentioned above.
- This guide works mostly on Resolve Match Mode.
- Try to use coach or Team Captains that speed up Chemistry or Scouting
or Training.It will make your life much easier. Also,when you unlock
room upgrades try to upgrade Chemistry, Training and Scouting Room
- Lastly, when you have the possibility to trade players,even for free
agent ones, always try to negotiate their wages (i.e. Don’t pay them
more than 5-7k otherwise you will be in debt as soon as you finish
Silver League.)